Monday, August 12, 2013

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Incredible Technology: How Companies Use Your Online Data

A record of every Google search you do, every chat message you send and every item you buy may be saved on a computer.

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'Overeducation' Linked With Poor Mental Health

NEW YORK — People with too little education to meet their needs are known to be at increased risk of certain mental health problems, but now a new study suggests that too much education may also have detrimental effects on mental health.

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Kids with Tummy Aches May Grow to Anxious Adults

Anxiety is common in children who frequently get stomachaches, but a new study shows that these kids might continue to have anxiety in adulthood, long after the abdominal pain is gone.

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Grandparents and Grandchildren Can Protect Each Other's Mental Health

Grandparents and their grown up grandchildren play important roles in each other's health, a new study finds. The two-decade study found the quality of relationships between the two generations has measurable consequences on the mental well-being of both.

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Gross! 15-Ton Blob of Fat Found Growing in Sewer

A 15-ton blob of congealed fat so large it's been dubbed a "fatberg" has been removed from a sewer tunnel beneath London.

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NASA Picks Rocket to Launch Asteroid Sample-Return Mission

NASA has picked the rocket that will launch a spacecraft to a near-Earth asteroid in 2016 to collect samples of the space rock and return them to Earth.

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Waiting Game: Zoos on Watch for Baby Pandas

Mei Xiang's urine samples have been showing a rise in progesterone. Her keepers think this is a promising sign.

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How Superstorm Sandy Changed Views of Weather Threats

NEW YORK — Superstorm Sandy provided a vivid demonstration not only of how extreme weather can affect heavily-populated areas, but also the sociological issue of how society views the risk such weather poses to people.

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Now Hear This: iEAR App Reveals Human Nature

When Jane Goodall did her famous studies of chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park, in Tanzania, she spent hours unobtrusively watching the primates as they fished for termites, tickled each other and waged war. Her rich, detailed observations provided astonishing insights into the animals' diets, social lives and basic natures.

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Can Health Tracking Apps Spur Risk-Taking?

When G. Smith, a cyclist in New York City, installed Strava on her phone last summer — a GPS tracking app that allows users to see and share their times on trial routes — she was alerted that the time she had clocked on her route home from work was close to the record for that course.

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Amazing Perseid Meteor Shower Photos: Celestial Fireworks Wow Stargazers

The annual Perseid meteor shower is dazzling stargazers around the world, and it's not over yet.

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Testicle-Biting Fish May Be Invading Denmark

Danish skinny-dippers beware: A piranha cousin rumored to go after testicles might be invading brackish waters near Copenhagen.

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Ancient Roman Shipwreck May Hold 2,000-Year-Old Food

For fans of Italian cuisine, the news of a well-preserved ancient Roman shipwreck — whose cargo of food might still be intact — will surely whet their appetites.

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Sunday, August 11, 2013

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Exercise Science: 4 New Reasons to Get Off the Couch

I know a lot of people with commitment issues, and I'm not talking even talking about relationships. Many people have trouble committing to their own health.

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Methane Meal: Deep-Sea Crab Gets an Icy Surprise

In the ocean's inky depths, crabs scavenge for meals by tracking vibrations from sound and movement. For one crab, that meant a stream of icy methane bubbles seemed like a potential meal — until the methane froze onto its claws and mouth.

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Perseid Meteor Shower Draws Hundreds of Skywatchers to National Parks

The annual Perseid meteor shower will reach its peak early next week, and skywatchers in the United States are flocking to the nation's national parks, where pristine, dark skies are ideal for watching what is typically the most dazzling fireball display of the year.

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Perseid Meteor Shower Is Peaking Now: How to Watch

The annual Perseid meteor shower created by leftover bits of a comet is at its best in the night sky now, but there are a few tips to keep in mind to make the most the cosmic fireworks show.

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Perseid Meteor Shower: Earth Bombarded by Tons of Meteoroid Dust

When the annual Perseid meteor shower peaks tonight and Monday (Aug. 11 and 12), dusty fragments ripped from the tail of comet Swift-Tuttle will burn up in Earth's atmosphere, leaving streaks of light across the sky.

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

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Schoolgirls Build Homemade Mars Rover You Can Drive

A sister act in North Carolina has proven that age is no obstacle when it comes to building a Mars rover.

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Perseid Meteor Shower: Scientists Will Fire Laser Into Meteor Trails

When the Perseid meteors streak across the sky this weekend, they will leave a trail of celestial pollution in their wake, sprinkling a layer of gases high up in the atmosphere.

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Flat-Topped Coral Shows Up in Hawaii

A type of coral common to the tropical Pacific but rare in Hawaii has been discovered off the coast of Oahu for the first time.

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Can You Hear a Meteor?

When the Perseid meteor shower bursts across the sky later this month, will people be able to hear it?

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Pop Culture Shapes Women's Pregnancy Expectations

From morning sickness to odd cravings, cultural beliefs about pregnancy influence women's expectations regardinig what it's like to be pregnant, a new study finds.

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Abused Puppies Get More Sympathy Than Adult Crime Victims

People have more empathy for abused puppies and dogs than they do for adult humans who have been abused, a new study suggests.

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Spaceport America Readies to Welcome Space Tourists

TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES, N.M. — Spread across 18,000 acres, Spaceport America continues to preen itself here in anticipation of booming business as the world's first purpose-built, commercial spaceport.

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Summer Constellations: See Ophiuchus, the Celestial Snake Handler

Sometimes when I look skyward on midsummer evenings, I can hear the theme song from the popular syndicated television show "M*A*S*H" in my mind. 

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Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend: Watch It Online Tonight

The potentially dazzling Perseid meteor shower will hit its peak this weekend, and you don't have to have clear skies to catch the annual celestial fireworks display. You can watch it online on Saturday and Sunday (Aug. 10 and 11).

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