Sunday, January 5, 2014

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Why Pull-Ups Are Harder for Women

News that many female marines in boot camp cannot complete three pull-ups might have you wondering: Why do women find the exercise so difficult? This week, the Associated Press confirmed that the Marine Corps will delay the implementation of a new standard that would have required women to do at least three pull-ups on their yearly fitness test (the same as the requirement for men). Women find pull-ups more difficult than men do because they have less muscle mass in their upper extremities, said Tim Hewett, director of research in the department of sports medicine at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

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Cause of Polar Bear Knut's Death Found

The culprit of the sudden death of famed polar bear tot Knut has been found, says an international team of scientists. An exhaustive analysis shows a viral form of encephalitis, or brain swelling, led to the seizures and untimely death. "After a detailed necropsy and histology that took several intense days to perform, the results clearly suggested that the underlying cause of Knut's seizures was a result of encephalitis, most likely of viral origin," Claudia Szentiks, of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research Berlin (IZW), said in a statement. Born in captivity at the Berlin Zoo on Dec. 5, 2006, Knut quickly rose to celebrity-hood after he was rejected by his mama and hand-raised by Thomas Dorflein, a zookeeper who died in 2008 of a heart attack.

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Personality Traits Help Explain Creationist Beliefs

A belief in the literal Biblical version of creation may boil down, in part, to personality. In contrast, religious believers who see the Bible's creation story as symbolic tend to be more intuitive. "Intuitives tend to be much more at home with symbolic things, generally," said Andrew Village, the head of the theology and religious studies program at York St. John University in the United Kingdom. He applied that scientific sensibility in the new study, which surveyed 663 English churchgoers on their beliefs about Genesis, the book of the Bible that describes the Earth's creation.

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SpaceX Delays Falcon 9 Rocket Launch

SpaceX has delayed the launch of a Thai communications satellite from Friday until at least Monday, according to the U.S. Air Force. "We're not aware of anything that would cause a mission failure, but in order to ensure the highest possible level of mission assurance we decided to conduct additional inspections of the launch vehicle," said Emily Shanklin, a SpaceX spokesperson. The Air Force's 45th Space Wing operates communications and safety systems for all launches out of Cape Canaveral. A launch would not be possible Tuesday because the SpaceX mission shares a tracking station in Bermuda with the Orbital Sciences Corp. Antares rocket set for launch from the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia on a resupply flight to the International Space Station.

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