Saturday, February 6, 2016

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Where the Super Bowl Meets Space: NASA's Aerodynamics Lab

Only a few miles away is the NASA Ames Research Center, where engineers can use wind tunnels, water channels and other tools to study the aerodynamics of rockets, airplanes — and even footballs. In Ames' Experimental Aero-Physics Branch lab, scientists use a fluid dynamics chamber to recreate the conditions of an object flying through the air. "What we are looking for in the smoke patterns is, at what speed the smoke patterns suddenly change," Rabi Mehta, chief of the Experimental Aero-Physics Branch at Ames, said in a statement.

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Super Bowl Showdown: Would Broncos or Panthers Win a Real-Life Matchup?

While people are stocking up on Buffalo wings and potato chips in advance of the Super Bowl this Sunday, fans are split on who has the best chances of winning: the Denver Broncos or the Carolina Panthers. It turns out that the Super Bowl mascots would be a fairly even match out in the wild, too: While a panther is powerful and stealthy, broncos tend to live in herds, and they have strength in numbers, said Don Moore, a senior scientist at the Smithsonian's National Zoo, on assignment at the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). "I think a panther could probably take a bronco on a good cat day and a tired bronco day," Moore told Live Science.

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Seriously? That Ancient Greek Statue Does Not Depict a Laptop

There's a new conspiracy theory out there, but instead of invoking big government or aliens, it questions whether there's a laptop carved into an ancient Greek statue. The theory, proposed by the anonymous YouTube user StillSpeakingOut, ventures that the ancient Oracle of Delphi may have foreseen the invention of laptops, and told people about it. "Just so we are clear, I'm not saying that this relief was depicting an ancient laptop computer," StillSpeakingOut said in the 100-second-long video.

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Could You Stomach the Horrors of 'Halftime' in Ancient Rome?

All of Rome came to the Games: rich and poor, men and women, children and the noble elite alike. He triumphed in one match that pitted him against a bear, a lion and a leopard, all of which were released to attack him at once.

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