Friday, July 5, 2013

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Astronaut Chris Hadfield to Write 'Guide to Life on Earth'

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, who in May returned from the International Space Station as a veteran commander and social media star, has landed a two-book deal to share his space experiences.

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Magic Mushrooms Can Erase Fear in Mice

The active ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms may erase frightening memories and encourage new brain cell growth in mice, a new study suggests.

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How Spiderweb's Shocking Charge Captures Prey

Spiders may trap unsuspecting prey by sucking them in using electrostatic attraction, new research suggests.

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Buzzworthy Find: 'Mythical' Corpse-Eating Flies

Behold the bone-skipper, high in the running for the strangest fly on Earth. For the bone-skipper, fresh carcasses just won't do. No, these flies prefer large, dead bodies in advanced stages of decay.  And unlike most flies, they are active in early winter, from November to January, usually after dark. 

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Evidence of Ancient Farming in Iran Discovered

Agriculture may have arisen simultaneously in many places throughout the Fertile Crescent, new research suggests.

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Go Gluten Free? Most People Shouldn't (Op-Ed)

Katherine Tallmadge, R.D.,is a registered dietitian, author of " Diet Simple: 195 Mental Tricks, Substitutions, Habits & Inspirations" (Lifeline Press, 2011), and a frequent national commentator on nutrition topics. Tallmadge contributed this article to LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

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SETI Evolution: Searching for Aliens Using Whale Songs and Radios (Op-Ed)

Laurance Doyle is principal investigator for the Center for the Study of Life in the Universe at the SETI Institute, where he has been since 1987, and is a member of the NASA Kepler Mission Science Team. He contributed this article to's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

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How X-Rays Demystified a 2,500-Year-Old Battle Wound (Op-Ed)

Helise Coopersmith is a musculoskeletal and body imaging radiologist for the North Shore-LIJ Health System, assistant professor of radiology at the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine and a member of the Hofstra medical school's admissions committee. She Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights

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New Look at What Lies Beneath Hawaii

The hotspot feeding Hawaii's volcanoes may look like one of two lava lamp bubbles — an oval blob or a long, stretched-out plume.

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Solar Plane Set to Complete Cross-Country Flight in NYC Sunday

A solar-powered plane will fly from Washington, D.C., to New York City tomorrow (July 6), on the fifth and final leg of its unprecedented trip across the United States.

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Bring science and health journalism to #ONA13

Bring science and health journalism to #ONA13

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How Guillemot Eggs Clean Themselves

Unlike birds that incubate their young in carefully built nests, sea-loving guillemots lay their eggs in rather precarious places — on rock ledges and exposed cliffs in crowded breeding colonies throughout the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans.

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Earth Is Farthest From the Sun for 2013 Today

The Earth is as far from the sun as possible for the year today (July 5), but that may come as a surprise for people baking in a heat wave affecting nine western states, with temperatures at or above 100 expected across much of Southern California, southern Nevada and southern Arizona. 

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The Surprising Cause of Most 'Spider Bites'

If the thought of spiders makes your skin crawl, you might find it reassuring that the chances of being bitten by a spider are smaller than you imagine, recent research shows.

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