Friday, October 25, 2013

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Super-Earth Planet Is More Like Super-Venus, NASA Says

An alien planet declared a super-Earth by NASA might not be so habitable after all. New measurements flag the planet (called Kepler-69c) as more of a "super-Venus" that would likely be inhospitable to life.

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Paying Kidney Donors Is Cost-Effective, Researchers Say

The idea of using financial incentives in organ donation, such as paying kidney donors, has been subject to heated debate. Now, a new study shows that using this strategy to address the shortage of kidneys would be less costly and more effective than the current organ donation system, researchers say. 

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Mystery Radar Blob Reveals Odd Man-Made Phenomenon

On June 4, meteorologists in Huntsville, Ala., noticed a "blob" on their radar screen that looked like a strong thunderstorm, despite the fact the sun was shining and not a drop of rain could be found within a few hundred miles. After some sleuthing, and several wacky explanations, the scientists have identified the culprit.

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Alleged Kidnapping: Could a Roma Couple Have a Blond, Blue-Eyed Child?

A Roma couple in Greece was charged last week with abducting a young girl who was found living with them. What made authorities suspect the girl wasn't Roma? Her blond hair and blue eyes.

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European Mars Rover Prototype Takes Big Test Drive in Chile Desert

A disruptive dust devil did not stop a European Mars rover prototype from finishing its work in the Chilean desert recently, though the wind storm did force researchers to take shelter as it carried away a chair from the nearby remote control center.

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Get Ready to Start Shopping With Google Glass

Smartphones and tablets aren't the only devices that can process mobile payments. Soon, wearable tech could act as your credit card, too. 

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Too Close to Home: Deluge Engulfs Flood Researcher's Town

DENVER — G. Robert Brakenridge has spent his career researching floods. But a lifetime's worth of knowledge didn't make it any easier when his own life was upended by rushing water.

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Sun Erupts With Major Solar Flare (Video)

The sun erupted with one of the strongest solar flares it can unleash early Friday (Oct. 25), just days after firing off an intense solar storm at Earth.

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The Key to Consciousness: Efficient Information Flow?

The moment a person slips from conscious thought into unconsciousness has long been a mystery.

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FDA Proposes New Rules for Pet and Animal Food

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced on Friday (Oct. 25) that it is proposing new safety regulations for pet food and animal feed to prevent foodborne illnesses in both animals and people.

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Jupiter and the Moon Rendezvous Tonight: How to Watch

If you are up late on this last Friday night (Oct. 25) in October — or during the predawn hours of Saturday (Oct. 26) — two objects will likely immediately catch your eye if the sky is clear: a waning gibbous moon and Jupiter.

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Face-Shape Secrets May Lie in 'Junk' DNA

Face shape is largely determined by genetics, yet no two faces are entirely alike. How do genes bring about faces with subtle differences while avoiding dramatic disruptions and facial malformations such as cleft lip and palate? The answer may be in the "junk DNA," a new study has found.

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How 'Edge' Camouflage Fools the Eye

Camouflage that matches an animal's "edges" with its surroundings makes it harder for a predator's eye to track the prey down, a new study reports.

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Scientists Higgs, Englert given Spanish awards

MADRID (AP) — Scientists Peter Higgs and Francois Englert, and the European CERN laboratory, have received Spain's Prince of Asturias awards from Prince Felipe at a ceremony in northern Spain.

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