Friday, June 14, 2013

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2012 Second Costliest Year for Natural Disasters

Hurricane Sandy and an extensive drought made 2012 the United States' second costliest year for natural disasters since 1980, federal officials said today (June 13).

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This Was the Coldest Spring Since 1996

This year's spring seemed more like a never-ending winter for much of the country, and it wasn't just in their imaginations. The chilly weather was the coldest spring since 1996, the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) said today (June 13).

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Most Distantly Orbiting Exoplanet Possibly Found

Astronomers have found evidence of an alien planet forming surprisingly far from its host star, a discovery that could challenge the prevailing wisdom about how planets take shape.

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Baldness Drug Curbs Men's Interest in Alcohol, Study Suggests

Some men who take the drug finasteride (Propecia) to slow a receding hair line may also find it reduces their interest in drinking alcohol, new research reveals.

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Toxic Mars: Astronauts Must Deal with Perchlorate on the Red Planet

The pervading carpet of perchlorate chemicals found on Mars may boost the chances that microbial life exists on the Red Planet — but perchlorates are also perilous to the health of future crews destined to explore that way-off world.

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Supreme Court Ruling Could Drop Price of Breast Cancer Gene Test

The price of testing for the breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 could come down in the near future as a result of a Supreme Court ruling on gene patents today (June 13), some experts say.

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Hot Flash! Men May Be the Cause of Menopause

Ladies, here's one more thing you can blame on men: menopause. At least, that's according to a new theory.

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Why Extroverts Like Parties and Introverts Avoid Crowds

Extroverts and introverts differ strongly in how their brains process rewarding experiences, new research suggests.

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Precision Farming Gains Global Foothold (Op-Ed)

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Doctors Should Dress Sharp in the Name of Hygiene, Doc Says

Doctors who wear casual — and even "scruffy" — clothes to work not only look unprofessional, but they also convey a lackluster attitude toward personal hygiene, which could have implications for hospital infections, one doctor argues.

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Giving Birth at Home Looks Safe, Study Finds

Among women with low-risk pregnancies, those who plan to give birth at home may face less of a risk from dangerous complications than women who plan a hospital birth, a new Dutch study suggests.

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Plastic Could Protect Astronauts from Deep-Space Radiation

Plastic shielding could help protect astronauts from harmful radiation on long journeys through deep space, new observations from a NASA moon probe suggest.

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New 'Active' Work Trend Breaks Down Cubicle Walls

The days of employees trudging into work each day for a 9 to 5 shift confined to their cramped cubicle are rapidly coming to a close.

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Does Having Kids Hurt Your Career? Sometimes

Your annual review may not be the only thing playing a part in your career advancement, new research has found. That research suggests that one's home life may play a big role in how one is treated at work.

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New Subduction Zone Forming Off Spain's Coast

A budding subduction zone offshore of Spain heralds the start of a new cycle that will one day pull the Atlantic Ocean seafloor into the bowels of the Earth, a new study suggests.

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The Science of Dad: Engaged Fathers Help Kids Flourish

Despite the fact that men are increasingly involved in family life, stereotypes about dad still persist: He's bumbling. He's immature. He's never seen a dirty diaper he'd volunteer to change.

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Russia Promises Manned Launches from Its Own Soil in 2018

Russia, one of the world's space powerhouses, has been launching its rockets from Kazakhstan since the early days of its space program, but now plans to shift its launches to Russian soil within five years. But some experts question whether such a pace is realistic.

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World Population May Reach 11 Billion By 2100

The world's population could reach 11 billion by the year 2100, according to a new statistical analysis.

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Harry Potter Meets High-Tech in Surveillance Tracking System

Harry Potter fans, take heed. New surveillance software that can track the whereabouts of over a dozen people at the same time is providing researchers with their own Marauder's Map, allowing them to monitor the comings and goings of subjects in indoor settings nearly as complex as Hogwart's.

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Endangered California Frogs Let Loose in Wild

In a boost to California's endangered amphibians, researchers released about 100 mountain yellow-legged froglets into the wild this week.

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Milky Way Neighbor Galaxies Get Amazing Portraits in UV

Stitching together thousands of images, astronomers have created the most detailed ultraviolet light portraits of the Milky Way's two closest neighbors: the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

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Smart Glasses Service Dodges Google's Face Recognition Ban

A new Google Glass service can detect the gender, age and emotions of people's faces as they appear in photos or video taken by Google's smart glasses. But the service avoids Google's recent ban on facial recognition technology by not connecting faces to personal identities.

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Solar Plane Makes Stop in Cincinnati Tonight

A solar-powered airplane that is attempting to fly across the United States without using any fuel is en route from St. Louis to Cincinnati today (June 14).

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Hippocampal neurogenesis and forgetting

Paul W. Frankland, Stefan Köhler, Sheena A. Josselyn.

• Previous data examined the anterograde impact of hippocampal neurogenesis on memory.
• We propose a novel yet complementary retrograde role for neurogenesis in forg....

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