Friday, May 31, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Approaching Asteroid 1998 QE2 Has a Moon, Images Reveal

A huge asteroid set to sail past Earth on Friday has its own moon, NASA scientists have just discovered.

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New Feathered Dino May Be World's First Bird

The skeleton of a Jurassic dinosaur from China could also be the oldest known bird, scientists report.

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Big Feet a Turn-On for Men in This Village

Dainty feet aren't always pleasing, according to a new study of rural Indonesians.

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Gel Offers New Possibilities for 'Soft' Robots

A new material controlled by light may help scientists build better soft-bodied robots.

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12 Obsolete Technologies Americans Still Use

In my apartment, the cordless phone sits right next to the 2,400 baud modem ... in my drawer of outdated gadgets. My last VCR sits at the bottom of a landfill, buried right next to my VHS copy of "Y2K: The Movie." But for some consumers right here in America, ancient technologies are still a part of everyday life as they continue to buy brand-new cassette tapes, subscribe to dial-up Internet and make calls from a pay phone.

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The 'Belief' That Could Get You Promoted

Employees who want to move up in the workplace better quickly buy into the goals and values of their employer, new research shows.

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The Jobs Where Employees Gain the Most Weight

Sitting at a desk all day isn't doing much for the waistlines of administrative assistants, a new study finds. And, they're not the only ones gaining weight at work.

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Giant Asteroid to Sail Past Earth Today: Watch it Live

A huge asteroid is set to cruise by Earth Friday afternoon (May 31), making its closest approach to our planet for at least the next two centuries.

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Shaman 'Rainmaking' Center Discovered in South Africa

A towering "rain control" site, where shamans would have asked the gods to open up the skies centuries ago, has been discovered in South Africa.

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For Veterans, Mental Health Care Often Fragmented

For veterans with mental health conditions, prompt and continuous access to mental health care can be lifesaving. However, research shows that after deployment, veterans often go years without obtaining mental health care, and when they do, their care is often fragmented.

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Doomsday: 9 Real Ways the Earth Could End

From catastrophic climate change to hostile aliens, Hollywood routinely envisions apocalyptic endings to humanity's stint on planet Earth.

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'Poop Transplants' Stall Amid New Rules

Poop transplants, which have become a more common way to treat potentially deadly bacterial infections in the intestines in recent years, have come to a near standstill amid new rules from the Food and Drug Administration regarding the procedure.

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Spotted! A Rarely Seen Constellation Shines This Summer

Although it is one of the largest constellations in the sky, Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer, is one of the least well-known. While large in area and prominent in the summer sky, it contains no bright stars, so it is rarely seen.

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Manned Mars Missions Will Need Superfast New Propulsion Systems to Beat Radiation Threat

To keep astronauts safe and healthy during long on future missions to Mars, superfast new propulsion technologies will likely be necessary, experts say.

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Prostate Cancer: Can New Tests Reduce Unnecessary Treatment?

Two new genetic tests may help better predict which prostate cancers are aggressive and need immediate treatment, and which do not need treatment right away, researchers say.

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Photo Shows Powerful Jets Spewing From Giant Black Hole

Supermassive black holes are thought to lie at the center of nearly every galaxy, sucking up dust and gas and other material that allows them to grow to enormous sizes. A stunning composite image of a galaxy 850 million light-years from Earth shows the power of one of these cosmic monsters spewing out humongous jets.

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Sex Assault: A Crime Against the Young & Attractive?

The main factors driving sexual assaults may be the attractiveness and vulnerability of young people of both genders, rather than negative attitudes toward women, a new study suggests.

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Is College Worth the Money?

Right around this time every year, new graduates leave their ivory towers for the "real world."

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Deep Arctic Waters Still Flowed During Last Ice Age

Even during the deep freeze of the last ice age, the waters of the deep Arctic Ocean churned below the frozen ice cap, new research finds.

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Five Weird Future Predictions in 'After Earth'

Humans aren't the luckiest creatures in "After Earth," a new science fiction movie that hit theaters around the United States today (May 31).

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Trip to Mars would likely exceed radiation limits for astronauts

By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Radiation levels measured by NASA's Mars Curiosity rover show astronauts likely would exceed current U.S. exposure limits during a roundtrip mission to Mars, scientists said on Thursday. The rover landed on Mars in August to search for habitats that could have supported past microbial life. Results taken during Curiosity's eight-month cruise to Mars indicate that astronauts would receive a radiation dose of about 660 millisieverts during a 360-day roundtrip flight, the fastest travel possible with today's chemical rockets. ...

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Enchanting Whale Songs, Stories of a Changing Arctic

NEW YORK — By tracking and listening to whales, scientists have unlocked secrets about the dramatic changes currently underway in the Arctic. They've also learned that these whales are talented singers.

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Believe or Deceive? Why Liars Are Difficult to Sniff Out

Lying may be a common human behavior, but despite the ubiquitous nature of deception, humans are surprisingly inconsistent when it comes to separating fact from fiction.

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Artist's 'Cloning Agency' Replicates Jesus, Lady Gaga

The second coming of Jesus Christ may be on the horizon — along with the third, fourth and fifth incarnations, depending on how quickly an artist's new "cloning tincture" catches on.

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Astronomy Conference Open to Public for First Time

One of the largest astronomy meetings of the year will open to the public for the first time in its history.

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