Monday, July 29, 2013

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Condoms May Boost Beneficial Vaginal Bacteria

In addition to preventing unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, condoms may help good bacteria in the vagina flourish, a new study from China shows.

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Twin Pregnancies: Slower Labor Is Normal

Labor takes longer in women pregnant with twins, a new study shows, suggesting that these mothers and their doctors could wait a few more hours before opting for cesarean delivery.

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Moods and Booze: Alcohol's Effects Different in Men and Women

Gender may influence which emotions drive heavy drinkers to drink, and how they feel the next day, according to new research. But the study also showed that neither men nor women who drink heavily effectively drown their sorrows with alcohol.

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How Babies Learn to Fear Heights

As any parent knows, babies aren't born with a fear of heights. In fact, infants can act frighteningly bold around the edge of a bed or a changing table.

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Protection of Apollo Moon Landing Sites Sparks Controversy

A new bill introduced into the U.S. Congress would establish the Apollo Lunar Landing Sites National Historical Park on the moon. However, the proposal is seen by some as lightning rod legislation, sparking controversy in legal and public circles.

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Canada Eyes Deep Space with Next-Generation Robotic Arm

Canada has developed a new version of its famed robotic space arm to give exploration of the final frontier a helping hand.

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Medieval Coffin at King Richard III Site Holds … Another Coffin

King Richard III's rediscovered resting place is turning out more mysteries this summer. Excavators finally lifted the heavy lid of a medieval stone coffin found at the site in Leicester, England, only to reveal another lead coffin inside.

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Top Foods Children Choke On

For kids, the food most likely to "go down the wrong pipe" and cause choking is hard candy, a new study finds.

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Arctic Methane Claims Questioned

A scientific controversy erupted this week over claims that methane trapped beneath the Arctic Ocean could suddenly escape, releasing huge quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas, in coming decades, with a huge cost to the global economy.

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Great White Mystery: Expedition to Unravel Shark Secrets

One of the most ambitious expeditions ever to tag great white sharks will set sail tomorrow (July 30) off Cape Cod, Mass. The researchers hope to tag as many as 20 of the enormous sharks, about which very little is known.

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Big Asteroid Flies By Earth Tonight: How to Watch Live

An asteroid as large as five football fields will zoom by Earth tonight, and you can watch the close approach live from the comfort of your home.

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Wolves in Yellowstone Help Grizzly Bears Fatten Up

The reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park has an unexpected upside: It's helping to fatten up the bears, new research suggests.

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FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Now Hiring: 210,000 Workers to Cut Carbon Pollution (Op-Ed)

Peter Lehner, executive director of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), contributed this article to LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights .

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Technology Should Replace Testing on Animals (Op-Ed)

Kathleen Conlee is vice president, animal research issues, for The Humane Society of the United States. She contributed this article to LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights .

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Not Science, but Slaughter: Japanese Whaling Tried in International Court (Op-Ed)

Wayne Pacelle is the president and chief executive officer of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). This Op-Ed first appeared on the blog A Humane Nation, where it ran before appearing in LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights .

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