Sunday, September 20, 2015

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Dino Down Under Sported Claws the Size of Kitchen Knives

The largest meat-eating dinosaur ever discovered in Australia had sickle-shaped claws the size of chef's knives, a daunting feature that likely made up for its fairly delicate jaws and small teeth, a new study finds. The dinosaur's 10-inch-long (25 centimeters) claws likely helped it hunt, said study lead researcher Phil Bell, a lecturer of paleontology at the University of New England in Australia. "They didn't have skulls like T. rex, which could crush bones with their incredible bite," Bell told Live Science.

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What Pope Francis Thinks Americans Need to Hear

Pope Francis has a full itinerary for his U.S. trip, but what exactly will he say during his time in the United States? The trip, from Sept. 22 to 27, will be the first time Pope Francis has set foot in the United States, and only his 10th trip outside of Italy since becoming pope in March 2013, said Daniel Cosacchi, a doctoral student of Christian ethics at Loyola University in Chicago. "It's a huge deal," Cosacchi told Live Science.

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