Friday, October 4, 2013

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Dear 12-Year-Olds: Skip Facebook

It's come to our attention at Tom's Guide that a number of people in the Internet-connected world are currently 12 years old, meaning that sometime between tomorrow and 12 months from now, you'll be turning 13. Here's our advice for when you do: Steer clear of Facebook.

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Can immigration reform survive the shutdown?

Advocates of immigration reform just can't catch a break. First it was Syria. Now the entire federal government is shut down. And an all but inevitable fight over the debt ceiling in two weeks is likely to push reforms even further out of the spotlight.

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Virgin Galactic, NBC to Launch 'Space Race' Reality TV Show

Soon, you can watch people compete for a chance to launch into space from the comfort of your own living room.

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Smartphone-Controlled Brewbot Gets aHead with Kickstarter

A craft-beer-brewing robot that can be controlled by a smartphone has garnered about $100,000 from 195 backers on online crowdfunder Kickstarter.

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Humbling View of Sharks Revealed in Stunning Photos

They lurk in nearly ever seascape across the globe, have been around since the dinosaurs, and range from 7 inches to 50 feet long. Yet for all their amazing ecology, sharks have had a rough run in the public eye.

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Illegal Drugs Are Cheaper, Stronger than Ever

Cocaine, heroin and marijuana have become cheaper and stronger over the past two decades, despite increases in drug seizures by authorities fighting the global illegal drug market, a new study found.

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5 Surprising Ways to Banish Bad Breath

Just as nobody likes a whiner, nobody likes bad breath. It's a powerful way to make a bad first impression. But the good news is that there are relatively simple ways to take care of halitosis.

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Weighty Issue: Is It Healthy for Seniors to be a Little Overweight?

Is carrying a few extra pounds into your senior years healthy? Advice has been mixed. Now, two studies published this month attempt to better define the ideal weight for fitness and longevity for adults over age 60.

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Elusive Giant Squid Washes Up on Spanish Beach

A giant squid, whose oversized eyes and gargantuan blob of a body make it look more mythical than real beast, washed ashore Tuesday (Oct. 1) at La Arena beach in the Spanish community of Cantabria.

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Early October Skywatching: Summer Still Reigns in Evening Sky

In early October, the mid-evening (9 to 10 p.m.) sky is in transition.

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Fall's Weird Weather Rolls in As Feds Scramble

A tropical storm menaces the Gulf Coast, tornadoes threaten Iowa, snow blankets Wyoming and Colorado, and strong winds may spark fires in California.

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