Wednesday, July 17, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Alaska's Redoubt Volcano 'Screamed' Before Exploding

Earthquakes can often signal an impending volcanic eruption, and sometimes before a mountain blows its lid, seismologists detect a continuous, rhythmic series of quakes known as a harmonic tremor.

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Drinking Water May Provide Mental Boost

Drinking plain old water may help improve mental performance, at least on certain brain tests, a small study suggests.

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Unusual Mammal Keeps Sex Organs Warm with Brown Fat

An unusual mammal in Madagascar has gobs of a special type of fat called brown fat packed around its sex organs, according to a new study.

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West Nile Virus: Large Outbreaks Follow Warm Winters

Unusually warm winters are one reason for larger-than-average outbreaks of West Nile virus in the following summers, a new study finds.

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Fracking: The Confusing Vocabulary of Hydraulic Fracturing (Op-Ed)

Deborah Bailin The Equation Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights

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Offshore Wind Energy: The Coming Sea Change? (Op-Ed)

The Beacon Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights

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NASA Investigating Mysterious Spacewalk-Ending Water Leak

NASA officials aren't sure what triggered a leak of water into a spacewalking astronaut's suit, causing mission controllers to abort a planned 6.5-hour spacewalk after only one hour and 32 minutes Tuesday (July 16).

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Students, Teachers to Hitch Ride on NASA's 'Vomit Comet' for Weightless Science

College students and K-12 teachers are set to take a ride on a "Vomit Comet" this week in the name of science.

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25 Action Words to Include on Your Resume

While work experience and education are all important parts of a resume, so too is the way in which it is written.

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Middle School Test Scores Predict Tech Career Success

Companies that want creative and innovative employees should be looking at a candidate's middle school test scores, new research shows. 

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Could Obamacare Improve the Job Market?

Nearly a million employees could drop out of the work force when new, cheaper health care options are officially offered to U.S. residents, a new study finds.

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Flesh-Eating Worms Invade Woman's Ear

The scratching sound that Rochelle Harris kept hearing was all in her head — literally.

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Buzz in NYC? Hobbyists Swarm to Beekeeping

Matt Howes would never have stuck his bare hand into a beehive six months ago, but since he has taken the reins of managing the four hives on the rooftop of his office, he has become more comfortable handling the honey makers.

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Science of Summer: Where Does Beach Sand Come From?

Summer wouldn't be complete without a trip to the sandy shores of an ocean, bay, lake or river. As the gritty stuff gets in between your toes, you may wonder why beaches are distinctive sandy stretches and why sand looks and feels the way it does.

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Space Cloud Ripped Apart by Milky Way's Giant Black Hole

Astronomers have spied a huge gas cloud being pulled like taffy around the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way.

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