Saturday, March 21, 2015

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DIY robotics device developed

It's a revolution in robotics that makes building your own personal robot a reality for the masses. The new device developed by Polish scientists Dominik Nowak and Radoslaw Jarema of the Husarion Company, acts as a robot's central nervous system and provides people with the hardware and software to build almost any type of robot they can think of.. ... So you don't need any programming or engineering skills.

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U.S., United Arab Emirates move forward on space cooperation

The United States and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to work toward greater civil and national security space cooperation after officials from the two countries met in Washington this week, the U.S. State Department said on Friday. The officials reviewed "a broad list of potential areas of space cooperation," department spokesman Jeff Rathke said in a statement.

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Flight to Totality: How I Chased the Total Solar Eclipse of 2015 on a Jet

A total eclipse of the sun on Friday (March 20) thrilled skywatchers across Europe, Africa and Asia where it was visible, but nowhere was the view as perfect as  aboard a chartered jet soaring over the top of the world. The reason was that the sun was situated almost directly behind the planes, mostly precluding us from getting a good view of the promised sky show.

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'Haunting' Pony Uterus Wins Top Prize in Medical Image Contest

The pony uterus was one of 20 health and medical images to win top honors in the 14th annual competition sponsored by the Wellcome Trust, a research-funding agency. The judges of the 14th annual image contest were unanimous in their choice for first prize, noting the emotional response evoked by the pony uterus image. Michael Frank, of the Royal Veterinary College, captured the winning photograph, revealing the uterus of the 5-month-pregnant New Forest pony specimen preserved in formalin at the Anatomy Museum of the Royal Veterinary College in London.

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Mars One Colony Project Delays Manned Red Planet Mission to 2026

The private colonization project Mars One has pushed its planned launch of the first humans toward the Red Planet back by two years, to 2026. The delay was necessitated by a lack of investment funding, which has slowed work on a robotic precursor mission that Mars One had wanted to send toward the Red Planet in 2018, Mars One CEO Bas Lansdorp said in a new video posted today (March 19). Mars One, a Netherlands-based nonprofit, awarded contracts to aerospace firms Lockheed Martin and Surrey Satellite Technology to work on the lander and orbiter, respectively.

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Arctic Sea Ice's Winter Peak Is Lowest on Record

Arctic sea ice hit its annual peak early this year, and climate scientists say the region's below-average ice conditions made this year's maximum extent the lowest on record. Every year, Arctic sea ice — ice that forms and floats in Arctic waters — grows during the winter and typically reaches its peak in March. A new report from the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC), however, reveals this year's Arctic sea ice likely reached its maximum extent earlier than expected, on Feb. 25. At this peak, sea ice covered 5.61 million square miles (14.54 million square kilometers) — the lowest maximum extent since satellite record keeping began in 1979.

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Richard III Reburial Celebration Starts Sunday

More than 500 years after he was buried in a hastily dug grave in Leicester, England, Richard III is getting a proper funeral. On Sunday (March 22), Richard's fans will kick off a week of events complete with fireworks, choirs and solemn processions to celebrate the reburial of the medieval king. Richard's lead-lined oak coffin coffin will make its first public appearance at 10:50 a.m. local time (6:50 a.m. EST) Sunday as it leaves a building at the University of Leicester, the institute where scientists had been studying Richard's remains for the past two years. Then, Richard's coffin will be brought to Leicester Cathedral, the king's final resting place.

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