Thursday, October 24, 2013

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The Birds Are Back! 'Rat Island' Renamed

When a ship arrived at an island in the North Pacific in the late 1700s, it brought more than cargo and splintered wood. It brought rats.

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Ouch! Dental Implant Ends Up in Woman's Sinus

A 57-year-old woman in Italy who went to the doctor with inflamed sinuses and facial pain had an unusual diagnosis: a dental implant in the sinus.

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Men Slow Down for Love

What is love? Maybe it means slowing down to walk at your beloved's pace.

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Ancient Bees May Have Been Wiped Out with the Dinosaurs

The ancestors of modern carpenter bees may have vanished from Earth roughly 65 million years ago, around the same time the dinosaurs were wiped out, a new study finds.

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Mystery of Galaxy Evolution Revealed by Distant Cosmic Lens

The most distant cosmic lens — a galaxy whose gravity warps and deflects light from an even more distant stellar nursery — has been discovered by an international team of astronomers. This so-called gravitational lens, which is so distant it takes the distorted light 9.4 billion years to reach Earth, can be used to measure the mass of the faraway galaxy, according to a new study.

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European Satellite, Out of Fuel, Will Plunge to Earth Next Month

A European gravity-mapping satellite has run out of fuel and will likely die a fiery death in Earth's atmosphere about two weeks from now, officials say.

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New Flu Virus Found in Peruvian Bats

A brand new flu virus has been found in Peruvian bats, according to a new study from researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Astronomers discover most distant galaxy yet

By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Astronomers have found the most distant galaxy yet, a discovery that pushes back scientists' view of the universe to about 700 million years after it is thought to have come into existence. Light from the galaxy, designated by scientists as z8_GND_5296, took about 13.1 billion years to reach the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope and the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, both of which detected the galaxy in infrared light. "We are learning so much about a region so far back in time it's hard to comprehend. This galaxy we're seeing is almost 13. ...

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5 Intriguing Facts About the Roma

Their names are as mysterious as their origins: Often called the Roma or the Romani people, they're also known as in Spain, in Finland and Portugal, or in France and Travelers in Scandinavia.

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The Making of a Mysterious Renaissance Map

NEW YORK — Not much is known about how Renaissance cartographer Martin Waldseemüller created his 1516 "" world map, possibly the most up-to-date conception of the world at the time.

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Alien Planet Count Passes 1,000 Worlds, a Milestone

Just two decades after first spotting planets orbiting a star other than our own sun, astronomers have notched a big milestone — the 1,000th alien planet.

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Skydiver Felix Baumgartner Celebrates Supersonic 'Space Jump' Anniversary (Video)

A year ago this month, Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner achieved an incredible feat: He became the first human to break the sound barrier with his body by skydiving from near the edge of space.

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Supernatural Experiences May Boost Religious Giving

People who report having supernatural experiences — such as being healed, speaking in tongues or hearing God's voice — are more likely to give money to religious organizations, and the more religious certainty people have, the more they are willing to give, according to new research.

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Long Naps Linked to Diabetes

A nap, a siesta, or as the Chinese call it, a , is a pleasant break from the day, but the debate on its health effects continues. While some studies have found cognitive benefits from a short afternoon sleep, others have suggested a link between napping and negative effects, including a shortened life span.

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Scientist who sought to predict quakes dies at 92

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A prominent University of California, Los Angeles, seismologist and geophysicist who sought to predict earthquakes has died.

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Arctic Temperatures Highest in at Least 44,000 Years

Plenty of studies have shown that the Arctic is warming and that the ice caps are melting, but how does it compare to the past, and how serious is it?

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Viking 'Parliament' Discovered Beneath Parking Lot in Scotland

A Viking parliamentary site that dates to the 11th century has been found beneath a parking lot in Scotland.

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Scorpion-Eating Mice Feel No Sting

The sting of the Arizona bark scorpion is so fierce that humans say the pain is like being hit by a hammer. But the tiny grasshopper mouse shakes off the sting like it's nothing.

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