Friday, May 13, 2016

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Mystery of Bizarre Radar Echoes Solved, 50 Years Later

More than 50 years after weird radio echoes were detected coming from Earth's upper atmosphere, two scientists say they've pinpointed the culprit. In 1962, after the Jicamarca Radio Observatory was built near Lima, Peru, some unexplainable phenomenon was reflecting the radio waves broadcast by the observatory back to the ground to be picked up by its detectors. "As soon as they turned this radar on, they saw this thing," study researcher Meers Oppenheim, of the Center for Space Physics at Boston University, said, referring to the anomalous echo.

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Big Test Pushes Elon Musk's Futuristic 'Hyperloop' Closer to Reality

A futuristic transportation concept known as the "Hyperloop" is undergoing the first public test today of one of its key components — an important milestone for the pioneering system first envisioned by SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk. A startup known as Hyperloop One (formerly known as Hyperloop Technologies) is conducting a test of the Hyperloop system's electric motor in the Nevada desert, running it at speeds of up to 300 mph (483 km/h), the company said. The test is meant to signal the start of work on an actual Hyperloop transportation system, which was proposed by Musk in 2013.

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High-Tech Bottle Keeps Opened Wine Fresh for Weeks

Now, a company called Kuvée has designed a device that it says can keep wine fresh for up to 30 days, and perhaps even longer. Kuvée (pronounced "koo-vay,"after the French word for a special allotment of wine) has created a bottle that can help wine stay fresh, by keeping air out, according to the company. When the capsule is inserted into the Kuvée bottle, it looks and feels much like a standard wine bottle.

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Power Up! Exosuit Helps You Lift Heavy Loads

"The goal wasn't to create a system to give someone superstrength, but rather to provide small levels of assistance during walking over a long period of time, with the goal of reducing fatigue and the risk of injury," said study senior researcher Conor Walsh, a professor at the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University in Massachusetts. All rights reserved.

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Storing babies' blood samples pits privacy versus science

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Two-day-old Ellie Bailey squirms in a hospital bassinet and cries as her tiny left heel is squeezed and then pricked with a needle to draw a blood sample. An Indianapolis hospital technician quickly saturates six circles on a special filter card with the child's blood.

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