Sunday, August 18, 2013

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Incredible Technology: How Atom Smashers Work

Particle physicists have the coolest job: smashing subatomic particles together at insane speeds to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

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Norway's Weird Waves Traced to Japan Earthquake

On a calm winter's day in Norway two years ago, the sea suddenly started to boil and rise, sending freak waves rolling onto nearby shores and mystifying residents. Turns out, the massive magnitude-9.0 earthquake that shook Japan in 2011 also triggered these surprise seiche waves, a new study shows.

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10 Worst Tech Predictions of All Time

In the technology world, bold predictions abound, and they should. Placing big bets in one direction or another is how this industry works. Some pundits try to make educated guesses about where tech is headed, while others prognosticate in reaction to disruptive technologies that could boost (or threaten) their business.

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Children and Smartphones: What's the Right Age?

One of the biggest and most divisive debates among parents of young children and preteens deals with the age at which children should be allowed to have their own smartphone. The advent of kid-friendly apps and the ability to watch streaming videos in the palm of your hand have made the decision even more difficult for parents.

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Coastal Flooding Damage: $1 Trillion a Year by 2050

Coastal flooding in cities around the world could cause damage totaling $1 trillion annually by the year 2050 if no mitigating steps are taken, new research suggests.

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