Sunday, October 13, 2013

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Fall Night Sky Guide: Eclipses, Comets, Meteor Showers and More

The fall night sky in the Northern Hemisphere brings a veritable harvest of amazing celestial sights and this year is no different, but you do need to know when to look up to see them.

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Lost Kings: DNA Fails to Illuminate Royal Mystery

A skeleton buried under a parking lot. A grotesque mummy head. A gourd encrusted with mysterious blood.

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Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Caused Southern Africa Warming

The infamous hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica may have caused warming in southern Africa over the past two decades, researchers say.

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Possible Treatment for Marijuana Abuse Found

Boosting levels of a naturally occurring compound in the brain could prevent people who abuse marijuana but are trying to quit from relapsing, a new study suggests.

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