Saturday, October 3, 2015

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Dazzling Rocket Launch Marks 100th Liftoff for United Launch Alliance

A United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket blasted a communications satellite into orbit today (Oct. 2), marking the 100th consecutive successful liftoff for the company.

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The Real Mars Lander in 'The Martian': Fact Checking the Film's NASA Probe

A historic NASA spacecraft makes more than just a cameo appearance in "The Martian," the new Ridley Scott movie about an astronaut stranded on Mars. The 20th Century Fox film, which opened in U.S. theaters on Friday (Oct. 2), follows NASA's third crewed mission to land on the Red Planet in 2035. By the movie's timeline, Ares 3 crew member Mark Watney (Matt Damon) walks on Mars 23 years after the space agency's most recent real-life "martian," the robotic rover Curiosity, arrived to search for environments habitable to supporting past and present life.

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Lost 'Epic of Gilgamesh' Verse Depicts Cacophonous Abode of Gods

The new finding, a clay tablet, reveals a previously unknown "chapter" of the epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia. In 2011, the Sulaymaniyah Museum in Slemani, in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, purchased a set of 80 to 90 clay tablets from a known smuggler. The large block of clay, etched with cuneiform writing, was still caked in mud when Al-Rawi advised the Sulaymaniyah Museum to purchase artifact for the agreed upon $800.

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Oregon Mass Shooting: How to Talk to Kids About Violence

Hearing about violent events in the news can evoke feelings of sadness, grief, helplessness and anger in little ones, according to the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS) at the University of California at Los Angeles. Instead, parents have to walk a fine line — being honest without being gory, accepting the natural emotions that come while simultaneously reassuring kids that caregivers will do everything to protect them, said Dr. Matthew Lorber, the acting director of the Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Department at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. "That's the time when you can still have blissful ignorance," Lorber told Live Science.

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