Thursday, June 11, 2015

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Privately funded spacecraft spreads its solar sails

A privately funded space project to demonstrate an innovative solar sail passed with flying colors despite a series of near-fatal technical issues, program managers said on Wednesday. The 11-pound (5 kg) LightSail spacecraft, tucked inside a 4- by 4- by 12-inch (10- by 10- by 3-centimeter) box, hitched a ride into orbit aboard an Atlas 5 rocket carrying the U.S. Air Force's X-37B robot space plane on May 20. Funded by members of The Planetary Society, a California-based space advocacy organization, LightSail was intended to demonstrate how a tiny motor could unfurl four thin Mylar films into an area as big as a living room.

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Honey-based mead may curb antibiotic resistance, say makers

By Ilze Filks Scientists in Sweden are launching their own mead - an alcoholic beverage made from a fermented mix of honey and water - based on old recipes which they say could help in the fight against antibiotic resistance. Together with a brewery, the scientists who have long studied bees and their honey, have launched their own mead drink - Honey Hunter's Elixir. Lund University researcher Tobias Olofsson said mead had a long track record in bringing positive effects on health.

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Thrusters on Soyuz Spacecraft at Space Station Fire Unexpectedly

Thrusters on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft that's docked at the International Space Station fired unexpectedly on Tuesday (June 9), temporarily changing the huge complex's orientation in orbit.

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Beyond games, Oculus virtual reality headset finds medical uses

By Yasmeen Abutaleb SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - To help treat soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder, Jennifer Patterson turned to a gadget typically associated with video games: the virtual reality headset from Oculus, a company Facebook Inc bought for $2 billion last year. Patterson, an engineering student at the University of Pittsburgh, studied a software used on the prototype of the head-mounted display that creates virtual settings, such as a Middle Eastern-themed city or desert road, that soldiers would otherwise avoid, as a way to help them recover from their PTSD. While there are no estimates of the potential size of the market for virtual reality applications in the health care field, analysts say that success in this area would likely spur even broader adoption in a range of industries, such as education, fashion, media and telecommunications.

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LightSail Spacecraft Snaps Solar Sail Selfie in Space (Photo)

The Planetary Society's tiny LightSail spacecraft has sent a photo of its deployed solar sail down to Earth, confirming that the cubesat's shakeout flight has been a complete success. The cubesat — whose mission is funded by members and supporters of The Planetary Society, a California-based nonprofit — overcame two troubling orbital incidents before unfurling its sail on Sunday (June 7). "I'm very proud to say that our LightSail test mission was a success," Planetary Society CEO and former TV "Science Guy" Bill Nye said in a statement today (June 10).

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Trek On, Spock: Asteroid Now Carries Leonard Nimoy's Name

The legacy of Leonard Nimoy has reached the Final Frontier: on June 2, a 6-mile-wide (9.6 km) asteroid was named 4864 Nimoy in his honor. The asteroid travels within the main asteroid belt — between Mars and Jupiter — and orbits the sun every 3.9 years. It was originally discovered at the European Southern Observatory in 1988.

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Color-Changing 'Squid Skin' Designed in Lab

Artificial skin mimicking that of squids and octopuses could one day lead to electronic camouflage suits, researchers say. Octopuses, squid and cuttlefish are all cephalopods, sea creatures that can rapidly change the color of their skin to conceal themselves or to communicate with others. Now, materials scientist Aaron Fishman at the University of Bristol in England and his colleagues have designed a system that mimics how cephalopod skin works.

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Ancient Church Uncovered During Highway Project in Israel

A 1,500-year-old church has been discovered at a Byzantine period rest stop on the road connecting Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, archaeologists announced today (June 10). The ancient road station and church, uncovered during a highway construction project, sit next to a seep spring called 'Ain Naqa'a, which is on the outskirts of Moshav Bet Neqofa, a settlement in Jerusalem. Along the old road, which was likely paved in the Roman period, "other settlements and road stations have previously been discovered that served those traveling the route in ancient times," Annette Nagar, the director of the excavation on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, said in a statement.

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Space trio leave orbital outpost for delayed return to Earth

By Irene Klotz and Dmitry Solovyov CAPE CANAVERAL/ALMATY (Reuters) - An international space trio climbed into a Russian Soyuz spacecraft on Thursday and left the International Space Station after 199 full days in orbit to begin their delayed return to Earth, NASA Television showed. Expedition 43 Commander Terry Virts of NASA, Samantha Cristoforetti of the European Space Agency and Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov gave a hearty hug to three crewmen remaining aboard the ISS before sealing themselves into the Soyuz TMA-15M spacecraft shortly after 0700 GMT (3 a.m. EDT). No issues whatsoever at this stage," Russia's Mission Control near Moscow reported as the spacecraft floated away from the ISS.

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Soyuz Capsule Returns Trio to Earth After Nearly 200 Days on Space Station

Three space station crew members have returned home to the Earth after spending nearly 200 days off the planet. "We got to spend 200 days in space together, a few bonus days, but you just couldn't ask for a better group of people to spend this time in space with," Virts said before he and his crewmates left for Earth.

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Multitasking During Exercise May Ramp Up the Workout

In the study of older adults, researchers found that, when people completed easy cognitive tasks while they were cycling on a stationary bike, their cycling speed increased. "Every dual-task study that I'm aware of shows that, when people are doing two things at once, they get worse" at those tasks, study author Lori Altmann, an associate professor of speech, language and hearing sciences at the University of Florida, said in a statement. The participants completed 12 cognitive tasks while they were sitting in a quiet room, and then they did the tasks again as they were cycling.

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Insect Parts and Mouse Poop: Gross Things in Your Food

Nobody wants to find insect parts, rat hairs, mouse poop or maggots in their food. For example, it's fine with the FDA for Americans to accompany their Thanksgiving turkeys with cranberry sauce containing an average of 15 percent mold filaments, based on a count made when samples of the sauce are viewed under a microscope. "Food defects are not things that cause people to get sick," said Benjamin Chapman, a food safety specialist and associate professor at North Carolina State University at Raleigh.

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College Rape Prevention Program Cuts Risk by 50%

In the study, more than 400 women at three universities in Canada took part in a rape resistance program, which consisted of four 3-hour sessions that included lectures, discussion on rape prevention, and ways to practice what they learned. One year later, nearly 10 percent of the women in the brochure group reported that they had been raped, where a perpetrator used force, threats or incapacitating drugs to rape her. Women in the rape resistance group were also less likely to experience an attempted rape, where the perpetrator tried to rape the woman but was not successful.

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Some Heartburn Drugs May Increase Heart Attack Risk

In the study, researchers found that adults who were prescribed proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) as a treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were 16 to 21 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack over a 17-year period, compared with people who were not using these common medications. Popular PPIs include Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid.

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iPhone Will Track Your Sex Life: Is That Helpful?

An update to Apple's Health app that is set for release this fall will let users track their sex lives, but experts say this tracking feature alone has little value for people's health. The sexual-activity tracking feature will be included as part of a new "reproductive health" section within Apple's Health Kit app, which will be available with the iOS9 update. A simple log of your sexual activity is not very useful by itself, except to perhaps make people feel good or bad about themselves, said Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler, a specialist in female urology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

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The writing's on the wall with Phree smart pen

A digital pen that allows users to document and share a digital copy of a scribble, sketch or note written on any surface has been developed in Israel. When paired with a smartphone, 'Phree' frees users from the need to write on paper or the screen itself. Resembling traditional hand-held pens in size and shape, its developers say that Phree's appeal is in preserving the ancient act of writing or drawing while keeping up with technological advancements.

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Watch the Moon Photobomb Uranus in Slooh Occultation Webcast Today

The planet Uranus will slip behind the moon today (June 11) in a celestial event known as an occultation, and you have a chance to watch it live online. The online Slooh Community Observatory will stream live telescope views of Uranus as it is blocked by the moon in a free webcast at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT) that can be seen at the Slooh website: You can also watch the Uranus webcast on, courtesy of Slooh.

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Egg or sperm? Scientists identify a gene that makes the call

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Providing insight into the sometimes mysterious biology of reproduction, researchers in Japan have identified a gene that controls whether the reproductive precursor cells known as germ cells eventually become sperm or eggs. The scientists on Thursday described experiments involving a small fish called the medaka, or Japanese rice fish, that revealed the role of a gene called foxl3 in controlling the fate of germ cells. Germ cells are present in the bodies of vertebrates of both sexes, but the molecular mechanism that drives them to develop into either sperm, the male reproductive cell, or an egg, the female reproductive cell, has been elusive.

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Egg or sperm? Scientists identify a gene that makes the call

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Providing insight into the sometimes mysterious biology of reproduction, researchers in Japan have identified a gene that controls whether the reproductive precursor cells known as germ cells eventually become sperm or eggs. The scientists on Thursday described experiments involving a small fish called the medaka, or Japanese rice fish, that revealed the role of a gene called foxl3 in controlling the fate of germ cells. Germ cells are present in the bodies of vertebrates of both sexes, but the molecular mechanism that drives them to develop into either sperm, the male reproductive cell, or an egg, the female reproductive cell, has been elusive.

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Were Dinosaurs Warm-Blooded? New Study Fuels Debate

Dinosaurs were once thought to be the cold-blooded kings of the Mesozoic era. Dinosaurs are considered reptiles, so scientists had assumed the beasts were cold-blooded like their kin, meaning they depended on their environments to regulate their body temperature. The sluggish metabolism of such a cold-blooded dinosaur would have forced it to lumber slowly across its ancient scape.

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