Saturday, August 10, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Schoolgirls Build Homemade Mars Rover You Can Drive

A sister act in North Carolina has proven that age is no obstacle when it comes to building a Mars rover.

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Perseid Meteor Shower: Scientists Will Fire Laser Into Meteor Trails

When the Perseid meteors streak across the sky this weekend, they will leave a trail of celestial pollution in their wake, sprinkling a layer of gases high up in the atmosphere.

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Flat-Topped Coral Shows Up in Hawaii

A type of coral common to the tropical Pacific but rare in Hawaii has been discovered off the coast of Oahu for the first time.

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Can You Hear a Meteor?

When the Perseid meteor shower bursts across the sky later this month, will people be able to hear it?

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Pop Culture Shapes Women's Pregnancy Expectations

From morning sickness to odd cravings, cultural beliefs about pregnancy influence women's expectations regardinig what it's like to be pregnant, a new study finds.

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Abused Puppies Get More Sympathy Than Adult Crime Victims

People have more empathy for abused puppies and dogs than they do for adult humans who have been abused, a new study suggests.

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Spaceport America Readies to Welcome Space Tourists

TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES, N.M. — Spread across 18,000 acres, Spaceport America continues to preen itself here in anticipation of booming business as the world's first purpose-built, commercial spaceport.

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Summer Constellations: See Ophiuchus, the Celestial Snake Handler

Sometimes when I look skyward on midsummer evenings, I can hear the theme song from the popular syndicated television show "M*A*S*H" in my mind. 

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Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend: Watch It Online Tonight

The potentially dazzling Perseid meteor shower will hit its peak this weekend, and you don't have to have clear skies to catch the annual celestial fireworks display. You can watch it online on Saturday and Sunday (Aug. 10 and 11).

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