Sunday, February 16, 2020

Vishnu Sahasranamam Pdf Sanskrit

Vishnu Sahasranamam Pdf Sanskrit

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Introduction to Vishnu Sahasranama

Vishnu means all pervading. Vishnu is the administrator of the universe. He puts in place, the laws of the universe and administers the universe strictly according to the law. He is a strict disciplinarian, yet highly compassionate in nature. He presides over not just the universe, but all the seven planes of the universe. The abode of Vishnu is supposed to be the Supreme one. He has prescribed various paths through which one has to travel to reach His abode, the point of no return for a soul known as liberation. He has been referred to in Vedas. Without Vishnu, no fire ritual is complete. He is quite often referred to as Puruṣa, the Supreme Soul. His famous sleeping posture on Ananta, the snake, who floats on the ocean of milk, is very well known. This posture is not merely a gross description, but has got subtle meaning. Ananta means infinite and the milk of ocean refers to the eternal bliss. He lays in the eternal stage of eternal bliss. Those who seek Him also enter the state of bliss. He incarnates in different forms to destroy evil doers. His avatars occur whenever there is imbalance between morality and immorality. When immorality begins to dominate over morality He incarnates. His notable incarnations are Lord Rāma and the Lord Kṛṣṇa.
The scene of unfolding this great Sahasranāma happened in the great epic Mahābhārata authored by the great sage, Veda Vyāsa. Bhīṣma was lying on a bed made of arrows awaiting his death. At that time, he was meditating on Kṛṣṇa. Knowing this, Kṛṣṇa asked Yudhiṣṭhira (eldest among Pāṇḍava brothers and known for his righteousness) to seek spiritual initiation from Bhīṣma and also told Bhīṣma to initiate Yudhiṣṭhira. Yudhiṣṭhira asks Bhīṣma “kimekaṁ daivataṁ loke” meaning who is the Supreme Lord of the world. Bhīṣma replies by saying, that the purest, the most auspicious, the chief among the gods and the father of all the beings is the One who is Supreme, referring to Lord Vishnu. This conversation appears in the pūrvabhāg of this Sahasranāma. The spiritual initiation of Yudhiṣṭhira by Bhīṣma is Vishnu Sahasranāma. Kṛṣṇa was also present when this happened and this Sahasranāma was blessed by the Lord Himself.
Vishnu is also known as Nārāyaṇa. Garuḍa Purāṇa (III.24.54, 55) explains the etymological meaning of Nārāyaṇa. “As He is the resort of merits and demerits and as He abides in the waters of ocean, He is called Nārāyaṇa. Water is also called nāra (probably meaning cosmic water); as He resorts to water, He is called Nārāyaṇa. Water is so called because, as cosmic water it emerges from His glance sideways. As He is the resort of water, He is called Nārāyaṇa, and also because He is the source of this eternal universe.”
Vishnu is the most auspicious form of the Brahman. He is not only invoked during auspicious occasions, but also while performing funeral rites. At the time of conclusion of all rituals, the effect of the rituals are surrendered Vishnu.
Vishnu Sahasranāma consists of three parts – pūrvabhāg or the first part; stotrabhāg or the main part from which one thousand names or nāma-s are composed; and uttarabhāg or the concluding part. The main part consists of 108 couplets from which all the 1000 nāma-s are derived. Apart from these three parts, this Sahasranāma has seven dhyāna verses by which one can meditate upon His auspicious form.
With this brief introduction, we now proceed to discuss Vishnu Sahasranāma through a series of postings.

Vishnu Sahasranama – Prologue

Viṣṇu Sahasranāma begins with Pūrvabhāga or the prologue. This part consists of twenty one verses, mostly in the form of invoking Lord Viṣṇu’s blessings and expounding His greatness. This part is in the form of conversation between Yudhiṣṭhira and Bhīṣma.
“I meditate upon the One, who appears in pure white dress, shines like the full moon, the One with four hands, whose eternal bliss is reflected through His face, for removing any obstacles. I pay obeisance to the great impeccable sage Vyāsa, the great grandson of sage Vasiṣṭha, grandson of sage Śakti (the eldest of Vasiṣṭha's hundred sons) and the son of sage Parāśara. I pay obeisance to the Lord Viṣṇu, who is in the form of Vyāsa and to the sage Vyāsa in the form of Lord Viṣṇu, who is the treasure of Vedas. I pay obeisance Vyāsa, who is in the linage of sage Vasiṣṭha. (The inseparability between the devotee and the Lord is highlighted here.)”
I bow my head in reverence to the Supreme Lord Viṣṇu, who is without modifications, pure, eternal, changeless and the Supreme Conqueror. I prostrate before the mighty One, whose mere contemplation ceases the pains of transmigration.
Vaiśampāyana said, (Vaiśampāyana is a pupil of Vyāsa and also the narrator of the Mahābhārata to Janamejaya, a celebrated king) “After having listened to the means to renounce dharma and the ways to annihilate sins, Yudhiṣṭhira again addressed Bhīṣma.”
Yudhiṣṭhira said, “Who is the unified Lord of the universe? Which is the ultimate refuge? By worshipping whom, the humanity attains propitiousness? Which is the best of all dharmas? Having born, what is the way to liberation?”
Bhīṣma said, “By worshipping Lord Viṣṇu, the Lord of the universe, the Chief of all gods, the One who is Infinite, the One who witnesses from Above, through devotion and perseverance with His one thousand nāma-s (names) and worshipping and praising That Puruṣa (the Brahman or the Supreme Self), by means of meditation, praise and prostration, gets rid of all his pains and miseries. The one who worships Him, Who is fond of Vedas, Knower of all righteousness, Who strives for the upliftment of the world, the Chief of the universe, the Almighty, the One who causes birth and death, is relieved of his sufferings.
“Worshipping Lord Puṇḍarikākṣa (lotus eyed, referring to Lord Viṣṇu) all the time with devotion and through verses in His praise, is considered as the supreme amongst all dharmas. That which is the Supreme light, the Supreme penance and the Supreme Brahman is the Supreme Abode. The Purest amongst the pure, the most Auspicious amongst the auspiciousness, the Lord amongst the gods and the eternal Creator, He alone is the Lord of the universe.
“From Whom the entire creation originates and dissolves, the One who is the upholder of the universe and Omnipresent, His one thousand nāma-s are capable of eradicating sins and fearfulnesses. Listen to me for those celebrated nāma-s that describe His guṇa-s (attributes) and versified by great sages and saints. I am declaring these nāma-s to you, for your enlightenment.
“For this Sahasranāma, Veda Vyāsa is the ṛṣi (the sage by whom this Sahasranāma was revealed to the world) and the son of Devaki, the Lord Viṣṇu in the form of Kṛṣṇa.
“I prostrate before the Omnipresent, the in dweller of all the beings, the great Lord, who has innumerable forms, the destroyer of demons, ever radiating Puruṣottama (the highest being), the Lord Viṣṇu.”

Vishnu Sahasranama–Dhyana Verses
क्षीरोदन्वत्प्रदेशे शुचि-मणि-विलसत्-सैकते मौक्तिकानां
आनन्दी नः पुनीया-दरि-नलिन-गदा-शङखपाणिर्-मुकुन्दः॥ (1)
kṣīrodanvatpradeśe śuci-maṇi-vilasat-saikate mauktikānāṁ
mālākluptāsanasthaḥ-spaṭikamaṇinibhai-maurtikai-maṇḍitāṁgaḥ |
ānandī naḥ punīyā-dari-nalina-gadā-śaṅakhapāṇir-mukundaḥ ||
Prayers to Lord Mukunda, having discuss, mace, conch and lotus in His hands, seated in a throne decked with garlands of pearls in the Ocean of Milk, the shore of which is made up of precious stones, whose body is adorned with transparent pearls, feeling the ecstasy of the pure white clouds above sprinkling the nectar of bliss, to cleanse us of our sins.
भूः पादौ यस्य नाभिर्-वियदसु-रनिल-चन्द्रसूर्यौ च नेत्रे
कर्णावाशाः शिरो-द्यौर् मुखमपि दहनो यस्य वास्तेयमब्धिः।
अन्तस्थं यस्य विश्वं सुर-नर-खग-गो-भोगि-गन्धर्व-दैत्यैः
चित्रं रंरम्यते तं त्रिभुवन-वपुषं विष्णु-मीशम् नमामि॥ (2)
bhūḥ pādau yasya nābhir-viyadasu-ranila-candrasūryau ca netre
karṇāvāśāḥ śiro-dyaur mukhamapi dahano yasya vāsteyamabdhiḥ |
antasthaṁ yasya viśvaṁ sura-nara-khaga-go-bhogi-gandharva-daityaiḥ
citraṁ raṁramyate taṁ tribhuvana-vapuṣaṁ viṣṇu-mīśam namāmi ||
I prostrate before the Lord Viṣṇu who exist in all the three worlds, who has earth as feet, sky as navel, air as breath, moon and sun as eyes, directions as ears, the world of gods as head, fire as mouth, ocean as stomach, in whose abdomen the entire universe comprising of gods, men, birds, animals, serpents, demigods, demons, etc joyously make their living.
शन्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशम्
विश्वाधारं गगन-सदृशं मेघवर्णं शुभांगम्।
लक्ष्मिकान्तं कमलनयनं योगिहृद्द्यान-गम्यं
वन्दे विष्णुं भवभयहरं सर्वलोकैक-नाथम्॥ (3)
śantākāraṁ bhujagaśayanaṁ padmanābhaṁ sureśam
viśvādhāraṁ gagana-sadṛśaṁ meghavarṇaṁ śubhāṁgam|
lakṣmikāntaṁ kamalanayanaṁ yogihṛddyāna-gamyaṁ
vande viṣṇuṁ bhavabhayaharaṁ sarvalokaika-nātham||
I worship Lord Viṣṇu, the embodiment of Peace, whose couch and canopy is thousand headed Śeṣa, from whose navel blossoms forth a lotus flower (from which the lord of creation Brahmā is born), who is the supporter of the universe, who is all pervading in ākāśa, the ether or atmosphere, whose complexion resembles that of clouds (rain bearing clouds are dark in colour), who pervades the heart of His consort Śrī Lakṣmī, who is lotus eyed, who is sought by yogi-s through meditation, one who is capable of eradicating the dreadfulness of transmigrations (transmigration is full of fear, miseries and pains) and the unparalleled Lord of the universe.
मेघश्यामं पीतकौशेयवासं श्रीवत्साङकं कौस्तुभोद्भासिताङगं।
पुण्योपेतं पुण्डरीकायताक्षं विष्णुं वन्दे सर्वलोकैक-नाथम्॥ (4)
meghaśyāmaṁ pītakauśeyavāsaṁ śrīvatsāṅakaṁ kaustubhodbhāsitāṅagaṁ |
puṇyopetaṁ puṇḍarīkāyatākṣaṁ viṣṇuṁ vande sarvalokaika-nātham||
I bow down before the Lord of the universe Viṣṇu, who appears like dark clouds, who is adorned with yellow silk clothing, having a mole by name Śrīvatsa (Śrīvatsa has different interpretations. It is said to be a cluster of hair in His chest, which is an indication of His Supremacy and auspiciousness. There is also reference which says that it is the Abode of His consort Śrī Lakṣmī. It also means a mark on His chest. According to ancient tradition, sage Bhṛgu struck Lord Viṣṇu with his feet on the chest of the Lord as the Lord had not shown due respect to the sage. The Lord is said to carry this mark as a mark of repentance and this mark is known as Śrīvatsa), His body radiating with kaustubha jewel (a celebrated jewel obtained with thirteen other precious things at the churning of the ocean and suspended on the chest Viṣṇu), with wide eyes like lotus flowers and surrounded by men of moral excellence (it is said that virtuousness is the primary duty of a man and Viṣṇu is the Lord of virtuousness).
नमः समस्त-भूताना-मादिभूताय-भूभृते।
अनेकरूप-रूपाय विष्णवे प्रभविष्णवे॥ (4-a)
namaḥ samasta-bhūtānā-mādibhūtāya-bhūbhṛte|
anekarūpa-rūpāya viṣṇave prabhaviṣṇave||
I prostrate before Lord Viṣṇu, who is the cause of creation, the supporter of the universe, and who exists in different forms. This verse refers to His acts of creation and sustenance. This also makes a subtle reference to His omnipresent nature.
सशङख-चक्रं सकिरीट-कुण्डलं सपीतवस्त्रं सरसीरुहेक्षणं।
सहार-वक्षस्थल-शोभि-कौस्तुभं नमामि विश्णुं शिरसा चतुर्भुजम्॥ (5)
saśaṅakha-cakraṁ sakirīṭa-kuṇḍalaṁ sapītavastraṁ sarasīruhekṣaṇaṁ |
sahāra-vakṣasthala-śobhi-kaustubhaṁ namāmi viśṇuṁ śirasā caturbhujam ||
I pay obeisance to Lord Viṣṇu with four hands, who holds conch (Pāñcajanya) and disc (Sudarśanacakra), who is adorned with crown and ear studs, golden raiments, beautiful eyes like lotus flower, His chest is bedecked with garlands and kaustubha jewel.
छायायां पारिजातस्य हेम्सिंहासनोपरि।
आसीन-मंबूद-श्याम-मायाताक्ष-मलंकृतम्॥ (6)
चन्द्राननं चतुर्बाहुं श्रीवत्साङकित-वक्षसम्।
रुक्मिणी-सत्यभामाभ्यां सहितं कृष्ण-माश्रये॥ (7)
chāyāyāṁ pārijātasya hemsiṁhāsanopari |
āsīna-maṁbūda-śyāma-māyātākṣa-malaṁkṛtam ||
candrānanaṁ caturbāhuṁ śrīvatsāṅakita-vakṣasam |
rukmiṇī-satyabhāmābhyāṁ sahitaṁ kṛṣṇa-māśraye ||
I surrender unto Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is seated in a golden throne with Rukmiṇī and Satyabhāmā (consorts of Kṛṣṇa), under the shadow of Pārijāta tree (one of the five trees of Heaven, produced at the churning of the ocean and taken possession of by Indra from whom it was afterwards taken by Kṛṣṇa. Botanical name Erythrina Indica), with wide eyes, beautifully ornamented, face resembling the moon, with four arms and with Śrīvatsa in His chest.
Please note: The original text contains only verse three as dhyāna verse. Other verses appear to have been added subsequently.

Vishnu Sahasranama – Analysis of 1000 Names
One thousand namas of Vishnu are compiled from 107 verses of Sahasranama that form the main part or stotrabhag. Though the verse form of this Sahasranāma has 108 verses, the last verse ‘vanamāli gadī śārṅgī वनमालि गदी शार्ङ्गी is not included in one thousand nāma-s. This 108th verse is also not found in Mahābārata text and seems to be a later addition. While reciting Sahasranāma in the form of a verse, according to some traditions, this last verse is repeated three times.
Certain nāma-s are repeated. Seventy five nāma-s are repeated two times; ten nāma-s are repeated three times; and two nāma-s are repeated four times. However, the repetitive nāma-s are used in different contexts and there is no overlapping of meaning. For example, let us take nāma Śrīmān श्रीमान्. This nāma occurs in four places, nāma-s 22, 178, 220, 613. In all the four places the same name conveys different meanings. Nāma 22 refers to His form with His consort Śri Laṣmī in His chest. Nāma 178 refers to His glories. Nāma 220 means to say that He is the diffuser of the Eternal Light. Nāma 613 says that He rewards those, who pursue the path of dharma. Thus, it can be observed that though nāma-s are repeated to suit the contextual requirements, there is no overlapping of their meanings.
Further analysis of this Sahasranāma reveals that 145 nāma-s commence with Sanskrit vowels and rest of the nāma-s (855) begin with Sanskrit consonants. Each verse has two lines and nāma-s are made out of these verses. Number of nāma-s made out from each verse differs, such as 7, 8, 9, etc. Let us take the first verse as an example, to understand how a verse is converted into nāma-s.
विश्वम् विश्णु-र्वषट्कारो भूत-भव्य-भवत्प्रभुः।
भूतकृद्भूतभृद्भावो भूतात्मा भूतभावनः॥
viśvam viśṇu-rvaṣaṭkāro bhūta-bhavya-bhavatprabhuḥ |
bhūtakṛdbhūtabhṛdbhāvo bhūtātmā bhūtabhāvanaḥ ||
First nine nāma-s are from this verse. The nine nāma-s are made like this: viśvam + viśṇu + vaṣaṭkāro + bhūta-bhavya-bhavatprabhuḥ + bhūtakṛd + bhūtabhṛd + bhāvo + bhūtātmā + bhūtabhāvanaḥ. While performing an archana these nine nāma-s are recited by adding Om as prefix and namaḥ as suffix: Om viṣvasmai namaḥ, Om viṣṇave namaḥ, Om vaṣaṭkārāya namaḥ, Om bhūtabhavyabhavatprbhave namaḥ, Om bhutadkṛte namaḥ, Om bhūtabhṛte namaḥ, Om bhāvāya namaḥ, Om bhūtātmane namaḥ and Om bhūtabhāvanāya namaḥ.
In this edition, the name that appears in the verse is used. For example, first nāma is given as viśvam and not viṣvasmai.

Vishnu Sahasranama 1 - 3

1. Viśvam विश्वम्

Viśva means all pervading. The first nāma gives a preview of what is going to be discussed in this Sahasranāma. The Brahman alone is all pervading. He is the cause, and the effect of which is the universe. By commencing this Sahasranāma with the word ‘Viśvam’ it clearly means that this Sahasranāma is going to discuss about the non-dualistic Brahman. Muṇḍaka Upaniṣad (II.i.10) says ‘puruṣa evedaṁ viśvaṁ’ which means that the Brahman is the universe. The same Upaniṣad reaffirms by saying ‘viśvamidaṁ variṣṭham’, meaning that this world is Brahman.
What we perceive is not the reality, but the phenomenal truth of the Brahman. The universe is mere perception of existence conceived by the mind through senses and qualified by time and space. If one is able to transcend time and space, he realises the Brahman.
Brahman is always visualised as undifferentiated existence. Brahma Sūtra (I.i.2) says, ‘janmādyasya yataḥ’ which means that from the Brahman alone, the universe is born. The Brahman cannot really be explained as He is beyond any comprehensible explanation. At the most, one can say that He is more powerful than millions of suns, etc. Any comparison to explicate the Brahman, though a futile exercise, still Holy Scriptures make all out attempts to elucidate Him to enable us to have a miniscule idea about Him.

2. Viṣṇuḥ विष्णुः

The previous nāma said that the Brahman is beyond comprehension. This nāma says Thy name is Viṣṇu. Viṣṇu also means all pervader. The significance between the first two nāma-s is the root word viṣ, which means all pervader. Viṣṇu is also known as Nārāyaṇa. Nārāyaṇa Sūktaṁ, which forms part of Mahānārāyaṇa Upaniṣad (XVIII.5) says, ‘antarbahiśca tatsarvaṁ vyāpya nārāyaṇaḥ sthitaḥ अन्तर्बहिश्च तत्सर्वं व्याप्य नारायणः स्थितः’, which means Nārāyaṇa pervades both internally and externally, indicating His omnipresence. He pervades as both internal Spirit and external objects. But, how does He help one in attaining liberation? Rig Veda (I.156.3) has an answer. It says, “asya jānanto nāma cid vivaktana mahas te viṣṇo sumatiṁ bhajāmahe अस्य जानन्तो नाम चिद् विवक्तन महस् ते विष्णो सुमतिं भजामहे” which means ‘since you know His greatness, celebrate His name indeed! We enjoy Your favour Oh! Viṣṇu’. It signifies that those who adore the splendour of Viṣṇu attain spiritual upliftment.

3. Vaṣaṭkāraḥ वषट्कारः

Vaṣaṭ is an exclamation used in sacrificial fire rituals. At the time of reciting the last three syllables (ṣaṭ), offerings are poured into fire by the priest. Vauṣaṭ and Vaṣaṭ convey the same meaning and are used especially for the tranquillity and stability of oblations.
But, why Viṣṇu is being called Vaṣaṭkāraḥ? Yajur Veda (I.vii.4) answers this question. It says, “By sacrifice to Viṣṇu, by the sacrifice may I attain health, wealth and security as Viṣṇu is yajna and certainly the sacrifice finds support at the end.” The original mantra goes like this:
विष्णोः शंयोरहं देवयज्यया यज्ञेन प्रतिष्ठां गमेयमित्याह यज्ञो वै विष्णुर्यज्ञ एवान्ततः प्रतितिष्ठति।
viṣṇoḥ śaṁyorahaṁ devayajyayā yajñena pratiṣṭhāṁ gameyamityāha yajño vai viṣṇuryajña evāntataḥ pratitiṣṭhati |
Viṣṇu is the Lord for all fire sacrifices. Whatever the oblations are offered in the fire for Viṣṇu, reaches Him through the god of fire Agni, who is the carrier of all oblations to the concerned deities in the upper worlds.
Vedas also convey subtle interpretations. For example, what is being described as fire rituals should not be taken on their face value. Yajña means mental oblations that purify one’s mind to establish a perpetual connection with Lord Viṣṇu, who is the upholder of this universe. Evil thoughts and actions are burnt in the inner fire offering them as oblations. When evil impressions of the mind are burnt, what remains is an unaffiliated mind. Viṣṇu upholds the universe purely on virtuousness and slays all those who indulge in evil acts. This is the reason for Viṣṇu to incarnate again and again. When there is imbalance between virtuousness and evilness, He takes avatar to preserve virtuousness.

Vishnu Sahasranama 4 - 12

4. Bhūta-bhavya-bhavatprabuḥ भूत-भव्य-भवत्प्रबुः

Viṣṇu is the Lord of time, past, present and future. This refers nāma to His eternity. Only the Brahman can be beyond time. Bhūta-bhavya-bhavat refers to past, future and present and prabu is a declaration of His Supremacy. If a spiritual aspirant is able to transcend time, he realizes the Brahman. All changes in the physical world are described in terms of a separate dimension called time. Since the Brahman is subtle in nature, he stands transcended the time factor.
Kṛṣṇa says in Bhagavad Gita (VII.26), “Arjuna, I know all beings, past, present and future”.

5. Bhūtakṛt भूतकृत्

Bhūtakṛt means the Creator. Kṛt refers to both creation and destruction. Viṣṇu, as the Brahman is not merely the Creator but also the Annihilator of the universe.
Kṛṣṇa says in Bhagavad Gita (X.34), “I am the all-destroying death that snatches all, and the origin of all that shall be born.” In reality, the Brahman does not stop with creation and annihilation. The most important function of the Brahman is His act of sustaining His creations. Viṣṇu is often known for His sustaining activities.
The Cosmic Will of the Brahman is the starting point of creation and every other thing is merely the unfoldment of His Cosmic design.

6. Bhūtabhṛt भूतभृत्

After having referred two of the three main activities of the Brahman, His third activity of sustenance is made as a separate nāma. It is on His support, the universe is holding on.
Bhagavad Gita (IX.5) says, “All those beings abide not in Me; but behold the wonderful power of My divine yoga; though the Sustainer and Creator of beings, My self in reality dwells not in those beings.”
When the Brahman assumes three different roles, the Creator, the Sustainer and the Absorber, He is dominated by one of the three guṇa-s. Brahman has two aspects, one is His nirguṇa form and another is His saguṇa form. Guṇa-s are associated only with His saguṇa form. His nirguṇa form is the purest form.

7. Bhāvaḥ भावः

This nāma refers to His purest form of existence. The purest form of consciousness is the Brahman. The previous nāma refers to His saguṇa form and this nāma refers to His nirguṇa form. He exists in His purest form as the Inner Being of both sentient and insentient. Brahman is the cause of everything that exists in the universe. That is why, He is said to be omnipresent.

8. Bhūtātmā भूतात्मा

He exists as Ātman in all the beings. Without Ātman or soul, no organism can exist. Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad (III.vii.20) explains this concept by saying, “eṣa ta ātmānantaryāmyamṛtaḥ एष त आत्मानन्तर्याम्यमृतः” This means that He is the immortal internal ruler, the Brahman. The qualities of the Brahman are being discussed through these nāma-s.
Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad (VI.xi) says, ‘sarvabhūtāntarātmā’, which means the inner most being. This nāma refers to this aspect of the Brahman.

9. Bhūtabhāvanaḥ भूतभावनः

He nourishes His creations. Brahman not only creates, but also nourishes. Whatever is created has to be nourished. This nāma elucidates His compassion. Brahman is full of compassion. Brahman creates with an intention to liberate the souls. But, men are deluded by ignorance fails to realise the purpose for which they are created. In spite of this, He nourishes them as per nāma 6.

10. Pūtātma पूतात्म

He is the embodiment of purity. This nāma refers to His nirguṇa aspect. Purity is the stage where guṇa-s, impressions and illusions are absent. The Brahman alone can be the embodiment of purity. All humans will have some traces of impurities. When one is able to transcend all the impurities, he becomes one with the Brahman.
(Though this kind of explanations may sound like a dualistic approach, in order to explain the pre-eminence of the Brahman, such explanations become essential. Someone asked the great sage Ramana, “What is the truth of scriptural texts which speak of oneself seeing the Self and seeing God?” Ramana replied, “Since oneself is one, how can oneself see oneself? If one’s Self cannot be seen, how can God be seen? Getting absorbed is seeing.”)
Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad (VI.xi) says, ‘kevalo nirguṇaśca’ which can be literally translated as ‘He alone is without guṇa-s.’ Brahman cannot be explained as He is beyond any explanations.
Though He is present in all beings as soul, He is not affected by the actions of the embodiments of the soul and He continues to remain as pure as ever. He is beyond time and space (nāma 4).
Kṛṣṇa says in Bhagavad Gita (IX.9), “Actions do not bind Me, unattached I am to such actions, and standing apart as it were.”

11. Paramātmā परमात्मा

He is addressed as the Supreme Spirit or the Brahman. The Purest form of Consciousness is Paramātma. He is the combination of eternal existence, Pure Consciousness and Infinite Bliss. This combination is also known as sat-cit-ānanda. When Paramātma is the purest form of Consciousness, ātman (an individual soul) is His reflective image. When we talk about creation, it is nothing but His reflective images called souls that get embodied in different shapes and forms. But for this reflective image called soul, no creature can be born.
Bhagavad Gita (XIII.22) explains Paramātma, “The Spirit dwelling in this body, is really the same as the Supreme. He has been spoken as the witness, guide, sustainer, experience, the Supreme Lord and the Absolute.”

12. Muktānāṁ paramā gatiḥ मुक्तानां परमा गतिः

Mukta means all those who are liberated. Mukta-s can find a way out of bondage, through Viṣṇu. Viṣṇu is the ultimate goal of all the liberated men. Men have attained liberation by pursuing the right kind of knowledge; otherwise, they could not have been liberated. Among other factors, knowledge and mind, the former leading to the latter, play a pivotal role to attain spiritual liberation. Mukta-s are those who have attained the right kind of knowledge and through which, controlled their minds and attained emancipation. This nāma says that mukta-s have attained liberation by being devout to Him.
During the transitional stage from dvaita to advaita, one is still associated with names of Gods and Goddesses. Only in the highest stage of advaita, names and forms of Gods and Goddesses get dissolved into the Self illuminating Brahman. Spiritual pursuit should be gradual and steady and the transition has to happen on its own.
Mukta-s, who surrender to the lotus feet of Viṣṇu are not born again. Kṛṣṇa says, “Great souls, who have attained the highest perfection, having come to Me, are no more subjected to rebirth” (Bhagavad Gita VIII.15).

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Vishnu Sahasranama विष्णुसहस्रनाम 765 - 777
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Vishnu Sahasranama Meaning 961 - 975
Vishnu Sahasranama 976 - 1000
Vishnu Sahasranama - Uttarabhaga
Vishnu Sahasranama Book

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