Friday, May 27, 2016

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Dead or Alive, Schrödinger's Cat Can Be in 2 Boxes at Once

Bizarrely behaving light particles show that the famous Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, meant to reveal the strange nature of subatomic particles, can get even weirder than physicists thought. "We are showing an analogy to Schrödinger's cat that is made out of an electromagnetic field that is confined in two cavities," said study lead author Chen Wang, a physicist at Yale University. The findings could have implications for cracking unsolvable mathematicalproblems using quantum computing, which relies on the ability of subatomic particles to be in multiple states at once, Wang said.

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Can Stomach Botox Injections Help People Lose Weight?

Doctors are considering a new use for Botox: The drug may help obese people lose weight, according to early research. In addition, researchers in earlier studies assumed that Botox, which relaxes muscles, would help people lose weight because it would slow down the rate that the stomach empties itself.

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Vaping Could Make Medical Pot Healthier

A new type of smoking called "cannavaping" — using e-cigarettes for vaping cannabis — may help people use marijuana for medical reasons, according to a small, early study. Smoking conventional marijuana cigarettes may lead a person to inhale high amounts of the toxic contaminants that are released when marijuana is burned, the researchers said. In contrast, cannavaping might provide a way to avoid inhaling high levels of these contaminants, the researchers said.

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Rosetta spacecraft finds key building blocks for life in a comet

By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - Scientists for the first time have directly detected key organic compounds in a comet, bolstering the notion that these celestial objects delivered such chemical building blocks for life long ago to Earth and throughout the solar system. The European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft made several detections of the amino acid glycine, used by living organisms to make proteins, in the cloud of gas and dust surrounding Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, scientists said on Friday. Glycine previously was indirectly detected in samples returned to Earth in 2006 from another comet, Wild 2.

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