Monday, May 2, 2016

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Mumps Outbreak at Harvard: Why Do Vaccinated People Get Sick?

An outbreak of mumps at Harvard University continues to grow, and experts say the close living spaces in college dorms may make people particularly susceptible to the virus, even if they've been vaccinated. This week, the Cambridge Public Health Department confirmed that more than 40 people at the university have been sickened with the mumps virus. Outbreaks typically don't happen in the general population, but instead are more likely to occur among people who live in close quarters, such as college dorms, said Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious-disease specialist and a senior associate at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Center for Health Security.

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Why Some Women Are Likely to Have Twins

Twins tend to run in families, and now researchers have identified two genes that make women more likely to conceive nonidentical twins. Both genes are related to the production and processing of the hormone that helps oocytes (egg cells) mature. "There's an enormous interest in twins, and in why some women have twins while others don't," study co-author Dorret Boomsma, a biological psychologist at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, said in a statement.

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Simple Trick May Improve an Infant's Attention Span

Parents can help improve their child's attention span in a very simple way: by paying attention to the toy their child is playing with, a new study suggests. The study shows that a young child's attention span can be changed by the real-time behaviors of parents, said Chen Yu, a professor of psychology and brain science at Indiana University in Bloomington and the lead author of the study. The results reveal that social interactions between a parent and an infant can influence the development of the child's attention span.

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ITER nuclear fusion project faces new delay, cost overrun: Les Echos

The international ITER project to build a prototype nuclear fusion reactor will be delayed by more than a decade and faces another 4 billion euros of cost overruns, its director told French daily Les Echos. ITER chief Bernard Bigot said the experimental fusion reactor under construction in Cadarache, France, will not see the first test of its super-heated plasma before 2025 and its first full-power fusion not before 2035. "The previous planning, which foresaw first plasma by 2020 and full fusion by 2023, was totally unrealistic," said Bigot, who succeeded Japan's Osamu Motojima at the head of ITER early last year.

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Second stage of European-Russian mission to Mars delayed until 2020: Roscosmos

The second stage of a joint European-Russian mission to search for signs of life on Mars will be delayed from 2018 to 2020, Russian news agencies reported on Monday, citing a statement from Russian space agency Roscosmos. The statement said Roscosmos and the European Space Agency had taken the decision to delay the second stage of the ExoMars mission partly because of delays by European and Russian industrial contractors. In March, Europe and Russia launched a spacecraft from the Baikonur spaceport in Kazakhstan as part of the ExoMars program.

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Jellyfish from Outer Space? Amazing Glowing Creature Spotted

With red and yellow lights seeming to glow inside its bulbous body, a newfound jellyfish looks more alien spaceship than deep-sea cnidarian. Video captured of the jellyfish reveals a stunning sight: The organism sports two sets of tentacles, long and short, that extend from its pulsating bell. When the long tentacles are extended outward, the jellyfish's bell remains still.

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Beyoncé Got It Right: Cheating's Emotional Fallout Gushes from 'Lemonade'

Beyoncé hasn't revealed what inspired her to create "Lemonade," a musical album and film that details the emotions felt after learning of a husband's infidelity. "She's speaking a language that so many people have experienced," said Kassia Wosick, a research affiliate at New Mexico State University and an assistant professor of sociology at El Camino College in Torrance, California. In fact, "Lemonade" may show people that "how we move through infidelity is painful, but it's also very strengthening, and there is an afterward," Wosick told Live Science.

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Secret Atomic Role of WWII-Era Aircraft Carrier Revealed

A team of underwater archaeologists has pieced together information from declassified government documents and a shipwrecked World War II-era naval vessel to understand the secret role played by one of the most historic U.S. aircraft carriers: the USS Independence. The Independence (CVL 22) was one of 90 vessels assigned to Operation Crossroads — the atomic bomb tests conducted at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands — but it was deliberately sunk, or scuttled, in 1951 and little was known about its career after the atomic bomb tests.

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Dinosaurs Migrated Out of Europe as Ancient Supercontinent Broke Up

Between 230 million and 66 million years ago, dinosaurs plodded across the supercontinent Pangea, and migrated from Europe to other parts of the world. The researchers used "network theory" in a new way to see how different dinosaur fossils were connected. The team chose continents as points and then drew connecting lines if the same types of dinosaurs were found on two or more continents.

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Portable Device Can Test If Your Food Is Gluten-Free

For people with gluten allergies or celiac disease, the idea of eating out in restaurants can be terrifying. It typically involves scrutinizing menus and food labels, interrogating waiters, or having to bring their own meals wherever they go. Manufactured by San Francisco-based startup 6SensorLabs, the portable gluten-testing device, called Nima, can test food for the presence of gluten, providing results within minutes and reducing people's food anxiety.

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Buddhist Sculptures Discovered in Ruins of Ancient Shrine

Sculptures and carvings dating back more than 1,700 years have been discovered in the remains of a shrine and its courtyard in the ancient city of Bazira. The sculptures illustrate the religious life of the city, telling tales from Buddhism and other ancient religions. Also called Vajirasthana, Bazira is located the in the Swat Valley in Pakistan.

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To Motivate Kids, Don't Dwell on Their Failures

The way you view failure may influence how your children view their own abilities, a new study finds. In particular, the researchers wanted to know whether a parent's view of failure might influence the way kids think about their intelligence. They found that parents who see failure as a major setback may be encouraging their children to think that intelligence is fixed.

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Science Explains Why Your Mom Calls You by Your Brother's Name

Such "misnamings," or when a person calls someone else by the wrong name, occur frequently, according to the study. When people call someone by the wrong name, they tend to call that person by the name of someone in the same social group, the researchers found.

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Solar-powered plane departs California on round-the-world flight

A solar-powered airplane midway through an attempt to circle the globe departed northern California on Monday on the next leg of its history-making journey, a relatively short 16-hour flight to Arizona, the project team said. The spindly, single-seat experimental aircraft dubbed Solar Impulse took off just after 5 a.m. local time from San Francisco on a flight that will take the plane over the Mojave Desert before its planned arrival in Phoenix shortly before 9:30 p.m. Occupying the plane's tiny cockpit for Monday's trip was Swiss aviator Andre Borschberg, a co-founder of the project.

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