Tuesday, April 19, 2016

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

feedamail.com Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Ikea's New Chainless Bike Never Rusts

Dealing with a rusty bicycle chain can be a messy affair, but an innovative new bike from Ikea solves that pesky problem. The furniture retail giant recently introduced its new "Sladda" bike, which uses an oil-free and corrosion-resistant drive belt rather than a metal chain. The drive belt is designed to last about 9,320 miles (15,000 kilometers), which is about two to three times longer than a typical steel chain, according to Ikea.

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Ultrathin 'E-Skin' Turns Your Hand into an Electronic Display

Your smartphone could one day be replaced by an electronic display laminated to the back of your hand, if the inventors of a new ultrathin "e-skin" have their way. For the first time, Japanese scientists have demonstrated a superflexible electronic skin (or e-skin) display, made from organic electronics, that doesn't degrade when exposed to air. Organic electronics, made from carbon-based polymers, hold huge promise for wearable devices because they are far lighter and more flexible than traditional electronics made from inorganic materials, such as silicon and gold.

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Earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador Aren't Related: Here's Why

They may have happened within days of one another, but the devastating earthquakes in Japan had nothing to do with the strong temblor that struck Ecuador over the weekend, experts say. Both Japan and Ecuador are located along the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, which spans the coasts lining the Pacific Ocean. The regions along the Ring of Fire are prone to earthquakes, but it's extremely rare for an earthquake on one side of the world to trigger earthquakes on the other, said Ross Stein, CEO and co-founder of Temblor.net, a free website and smartphone application that helps people understand locations' seismic risk.

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'Magic Mushroom' Drug Psilocybin May Ease Pain of Rejection

During this game, people reported feeling less social pain when they received psilocybin, compared with when they received a placebo, or "dummy pill." In addition, participants' brain scans showed less activity in brain regions linked with feelings of social pain after they took psilocybin compared with after taking a placebo. Such treatments could be important for people with certain psychiatric disorders, who often encounter social rejection, and who may react more strongly to rejection than a healthy person, which can worsen mental health, the researchers said. "Social ties have repeatedly been shown to be crucial for physical and mental health," the researchers, from the University of Zurich in Switzerland, wrote in their findings published today (April 18) in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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Eating Nuts Linked to Lower Risk of Colon Cancer

Now, new findings from South Korea suggest that a nut-rich diet may also reduce a person's risk of colon cancer. Eating a serving of nuts three or more times a week appeared to have a big effect on risk, said Dr. Aesun Shin, an associate professor of preventive medicine at Seoul National University College of Medicine in South Korea and an author of the study. This may be due to the availability of peanuts in South Korea, the researchers said.

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Your Genes May Influence When You Lose Your Virginity

Genetics may have a say in when people lose their virginity. "Clearly some of the things that impact the age of first sex are social," study co-author Felix Day, a genetics researcher at the University of Cambridge in the U.K., told Live Science.

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