Saturday, September 26, 2015

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Space Race on Earth: Astronauts Compete in 2,000-Mile Road Rally

A new international space race is set to launch between astronauts from the United States, Brazil, France and India. But instead of blasting off for the moon or Mars, the space explorers have traded in their rockets for minivans and are racing from Connecticut's capital to Florida's Space Coast. Dubbed the "Space Race," this year's rally is an 8-day, 2,000-mile (3,200 km) trivia game, where the United States serves as the game board.

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Art Project to Beam Neil Armstrong's Heartbeat, Footprint Back to the Moon

Clar's two-part event will bounce some very special radio waves off of the moon from a radio dish in Italy and retrieve them at Dwingeloo Radio Observatory in the Netherlands. For the project, Clar took a copy of Armstrong's electrocardiogram (EKG) — a record of his heart's electrical activity — captured as the astronaut stepped onto the surface of the moon for the first time. Clar turned the EKG into sound with the help of data scientist Ryan Compton.

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Rare 'supermoon' eclipse to unfold Sunday night

By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - Sky-watchers around the world are in for a treat Sunday night and Monday when the shadow of Earth casts a reddish glow on the moon, the result of rare combination of an eclipse with the closest full moon of the year. The total "supermoon" lunar eclipse, also known as a "blood moon" is one that appears bigger and brighter than usual as it reaches the point in its orbit that is closest to Earth. It just appears slightly bigger in the sky," planetary geologist Noah Petro, with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said.

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Lunar Décor: 'Luna' Lamp Brings the Moon Down to Earth

Ever look up at the full moon on a clear night and wish you could bring it straight into your home? Currently available via an Indiegogo fundraiser campaign, the lamp, made by a company called Acorn Studios, has an adjustable luminosity, and comes in seven different sizes, ranging from 3.2 inches (8.1 centimeters) in diameter, which can be purchased for $75, to 23.6 inches (59.9 cm), for $875. In addition to being advertised as a piece of art, Acorn Studios touts the Luna's durability, so it can be put on the floor and even be played with.

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Total Lunar Eclipse: How to Judge the Moon's Brightness and Color

A lunar eclipse provides spectacular viewing opportunities for everyone, from amateur skywatchers to experienced observers — read on to learn how to describe what you see.

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Rare 'Supermoon' Lunar Eclipse Coming Sunday: Skywatching Tips

A rare supermoon lunar eclipse will grace the night sky on Sunday (Sept. 27), and if you live in the Western Hemisphere, you could have spectacular views of this celestial treat. This so-called "Blood Moon" effect is caused by light refracting through Earth's atmosphere from sunsets and sunrises, according to NASA. The last time this type of lunar eclipse occurred was in 1982, and it won't happen again until 2033.

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Blood Moon Prophecy: The Science of Supermoon Eclipse Superstitions

A full "supermoon" will pass precisely within Earth's shadow this Sunday (Sept. 27), creating a total lunar eclipse and bathing our planet's natural satellite in rusty hues. This eye-catching lunar eclipse will give night owls everywhere a reason to look up in wonder, but not everyone thinks this weekend's "blood moon" is a harmless celestial event. One of those doomsayers is John Hagee, a Christian evangelical minister from San Antonio who has stirred up controversy with his sermons (and books and television broadcasts) about the alleged religious significance of the upcoming lunar eclipse.

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What a Precious Bei Bei! Panda Cub Grows Up (Photos)

The baby giant panda at the Smithsonian's National Zoo now has a name: Bei Bei (BAY-BAY), which means "precious treasure," a nod to his sister's name, Bao Bao, which has the same meaning. Bei Bei has come a long way since he was born blind and deaf on Aug. 22. The images below show how the little panda has grown over the past month. [ Read the full story on Bei Bei's naming ceremony]

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