Saturday, August 1, 2015

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U.S. Air Force closely following SpaceX blast probe: general

The U.S. Air Force is involved in and closely following a SpaceX-led investigation into the explosion that destroyed an unmanned Falcon 9 rocket minutes after liftoff from Florida on June 28, a top general said on Friday. Lieutentant General Samuel Greaves, who heads the Air Force Space and Missiles Systems Center, did not address those concerns directly.

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New Dinosaur's Powerful Sniffer Helped It Track Prey

While pursing his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania, Steven Jasinski fulfilled a childhood dream: he discovered a brand new dinosaur. Jasinski, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science and curator of paleontology and geology at the State Museum of Pennsylvania, was reviewing the museum's collection when he found a fossil that caught his eye. "As soon as I looked at the specimen, I could tell it was not the dinosaur it was thought to have been," he told Live Science.

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Lexus' New Hoverboard Is Cool, But Will It Fly?

Last month, Japanese auto manufacturer Lexus unveiled its newest product, and it's not another luxury SUV. The video shows the sleek board floating over what appears to be regular cement in a skateboard park, leading some hoverboard enthusiasts to speculate that, at long last, someone has produced a flying skateboard that you can actually ride in a halfpipe or down a sidewalk. But, if you thought Lexus' new toy would turn you into Marty McFly from "Back to the Future Part II" (the one with the epic hoverboard chase scene), think again.

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America Offline? 15 Percent of US Adults Don't Use the Internet

Email, Facebook, cat videos — these are just a few of the things that 15 percent of American adults are missing out on every day because they don't use the Internet. However, that 15 percent is a huge reduction from the percentage of Americans who did not use the Internet in 2000, according to a new analysis of survey data by the Pew Research Center, a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. In that year, almost half of all Americans (48 percent) said they didn't go online. Since then, despite efforts by the government and social service organizations to encourage Americans to get online, that number hasn't budged, according to Pew.

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Blue Moon of 2015 Thrills Skywatchers with Lunar Beauty (Photos)

The second full moon of July wowed skywatchers around the world - and even in space - on Friday, offering the lunar treat of a so-called Blue Moon that won't be seen again until 2018. NASA and readers across the United States and abroad captured amazing photos of the Blue Moon on Friday (July 31), but perhaps the most remote view came from space. When in space 4 a [year] everything is possible," NASA astronaut Scott Kelly wrote on Twitter while posting a photo of the full moon.

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