Sunday, March 22, 2015

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The 10 Happiest Countries Are All in Latin America

For the first time in a decade, the top 10 happiest countries in the world are all in Latin America, according to the 2014 Gallup Positive Experience Index. Gallup researchers released the results for the United Nations' third annual International Day of Happiness today (March 20).

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This Zero Gravity Cocktail Glass Could Be Out This World

Astronauts hoping to sip drinks in style may soon have an open-top cocktail glass to look forward to. Called the Zero Gravity Cocktail Project, the idea is to create an open-top cocktail glass that can be used in space. The creators of the glass design, called the Cosmic Lifestyle Corp., are currently seeking funding for the project on the crowdfunding website With the Zero Gravity Cocktail glass, astronauts would be able to drink from something that's more like the drinking glasses used on Earth.

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See Venus and the Crescent Moon Shine Together Tonight

As darkness falls tonight (March 22), be sure to take a look low toward the western part of the sky for yet another beautiful celestial tableau formed by a lovely crescent moon and the brilliant planet Venus.  Weather permitting, you will see Venus will appear to hover to the right of and just a bit above the moon. Indeed, if Venus were stationary and did not appear to move against the star background, then a Venus-moon encounter would occur every 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes. Since Venus and the moon were together (along with much fainter Mars) on Feb. 20, we might have expected a return engagement this past Thursday (March 19) if we tried to apply this "sidereal month rule" to this schedule. Of course that rule didn't work because Venus is not stationary, but moving in its own orbit around the sun.

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