Thursday, February 27, 2014


Contents page + Editorial Board + Cover figure legend

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GABAergic interneuron transplants to study development and treat disease

Jennifer A. Tyson, Stewart A. Anderson.

• Cortical GABAergic interneurons migrate tangentially from the subcortical forebrain into the cerebral cortex.
• Transplants of cortical interneuron precursors migra....

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Computational principles of microcircuits for visual object processing in the macaque temporal cortex

Toshiyuki Hirabayashi, Yasushi Miyashita.

• Microcircuit operations for object processing have been examined in behaving monkeys.
• Microcircuit dynamics have revealed a generating mechanism for memory retrie....

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What do grid cells contribute to place cell firing?

Daniel Bush, Caswell Barry, Neil Burgess.

• It is commonly assumed that grid cell inputs generate hippocampal place fields, but recent empirical evidence brings this assumption into doubt.
• We suggest that p....

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Developmental roles of brain histamine

Pertti Panula, Maria Sundvik, Kaj Karlstedt.

• Histamine regulates the proliferation and differentiation of mammalian neural stem cells.
• A transient histamine-containing system in fetal mammalian brain is a po....

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Opening paths to novel analgesics: the role of potassium channels in chronic pain

Christoforos Tsantoulas, Stephen B. McMahon.

• Potassium (K+) channels are crucial determinants of neuronal excitability.
• Nerve injury or inflammation alters K+ channel activity in neuron....

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The human side of microglia

Amy M. Smith, Mike Dragunow.

• There are key differences between human and rodent microglia.
• Established protocols are available for primary human microglial cell culture.
• Human cell mode....

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