Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Editorial Board

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Cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain: the servant of many masters

Giampietro Schiavo, Linda Greensmith, Majid Hafezparast, Elizabeth M.C. Fisher.

• The cytoplasmic dynein complex is the main retrograde motor in all eukaryotic cells.
• This complex is built around a dimer of cytoplasmic dynein heavy chains (DYNC....

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Central regulation of body-fluid homeostasis

Masaharu Noda, Hiraki Sakuta.

• We review recent progress in the identification of brain sensors to monitor body-fluid conditions.
• The Na-level sensor, Nax, is expressed in glial cell....

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Rhodopsin homeostasis and retinal degeneration: lessons from the fly

Bo Xiong, Hugo J. Bellen.

• Rhodopsin are universal light sensors and are very abundant in photoreceptors.
• Disruption of rhodopsin homeostasis causes retinal degeneration in flies and humans....

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Perinatal programming of adult hippocampal structure and function; emerging roles of stress, nutrition and epigenetics

Paul J. Lucassen, Eva F.G. Naninck, Johannes B. van Goudoever, Carlos Fitzsimons, Marian Joels, Aniko Korosi. Early-life stress lastingly affects adult cognition and increases vulnerability to psychopathology, but the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. In this Opinion article, we propose that early nut....

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Towards a 'systems'-level understanding of the nervous system and its disorders

Irfan A. Qureshi, Mark F. Mehler.

• Unanticipated interconnections exist between the nervous system and the immune system, energy homeostasis, and the gut microbiome.
• Crosstalk between these systems....

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NMNATs, evolutionarily conserved neuronal maintenance factors

Yousuf O. Ali, David Li-Kroeger, Hugo J. Bellen, R. Grace Zhai, Hui-Chen Lu.

• Neurons require a 'maintenance plan' that enables them to endure daily wear and tear.
• NMNATs function as NAD synthesizing enzymes and chaperones.
• Loss of NM....

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