Monday, September 23, 2013

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Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Could Prevent Premature Deaths

Reducing the flow of the greenhouse gases that spur global warming could prevent up to 3 million premature deaths annually by the year 2100, a new study suggests.

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"Disgustologist" digs deep into science of revulsion

By Kate Kelland, Health and Science Correspondent LONDON (Reuters) - Valerie Curtis is fascinated by faeces. And by vomit, pus, urine, maggots and putrid flesh. It is not the oozing, reeking substances themselves that play on her mind, but our response to them and what it can teach us. The doctor of anthropology and expert on hygiene and behaviour says disgust governs our lives - dictating what we eat, wear, buy, and even how we vote and who we desire. ...

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"Disgustologist" digs deep into science of revulsion

By Kate Kelland, Health and Science Correspondent LONDON (Reuters) - Valerie Curtis is fascinated by faeces. And by vomit, pus, urine, maggots and putrid flesh. It is not the oozing, reeking substances themselves that play on her mind, but our response to them and what it can teach us. The doctor of anthropology and expert on hygiene and behaviour says disgust governs our lives - dictating what we eat, wear, buy, and even how we vote and who we desire. ...

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"Disgustologist" digs deep into science of revulsion

By Kate Kelland, Health and Science Correspondent LONDON (Reuters) - Valerie Curtis is fascinated by faeces. And by vomit, pus, urine, maggots and putrid flesh. It is not the oozing, reeking substances themselves that play on her mind, but our response to them and what it can teach us. The doctor of anthropology and expert on hygiene and behaviour says disgust governs our lives - dictating what we eat, wear, buy, and even how we vote and who we desire. ...

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Slithering Snake Robots on Mars Could Aid Future Rovers

Mechanical "snake robots" could boost the scientific output of next-generation Mars rovers and get them out of jams from time to time, researchers say.

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Venus and the Moon Photobomb Wedding Photo

While bride Karly Kryza and groom Lucas Farmer were sharing an embrace during their wedding reception, little did they know another close encounter, this one of a celestial kind, was taking place above them in the night sky.

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Incredible Technology: How Solar Sails Could Propel the First Starships

Sail ships might be the spacecraft that first take human technology to distant stars.

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The Moon Is 100 Million Years Younger Than Thought

The moon is quite a bit younger than scientists had previously believed, new research suggests.

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Vitamin B Supplements May Reduce Stroke Risk

Taking vitamin B supplements may help reduce the risk of stroke, a new review suggests.

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U.N. panel to blame mankind for global warming, explain 'hiatus'

By Anna Ringstrom STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A United Nations panel of experts met on Monday to review a draft report that raises the probability that climate change is man-made to 95 percent and warns of ever more extreme weather unless governments take strong action. Scientists and officials from more than 110 governments began a four-day meeting in Stockholm to edit and approve the 31-page draft that also tries to explain a "hiatus" in the pace of global warming this century despite rising greenhouse gas emissions. ...

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Super-Eruption Launched Algae Army Into the Sky

Slimy brown algae not only survived a wild ride into the stratosphere via a volcanic ash cloud, they landed on distant islands looking flawless, a new study finds.

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Time Capsule Holding Steve Jobs' Computer Mouse Unearthed

A time capsule containing a mouse from an Apple Lisa computer that was buried in 1983 and then forgotten has been unearthed near Aspen, Colo.

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Kepler Space Telescope's Broken Wheel Could Aid Stellar Physics

Kepler Space Telescope's Broken Wheel Could Aid Stellar Physics

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Space Station Traffic Jam Delays 1st Arrival of New Private Cygnus Spacecraft

The first arrival of a brand-new commercial cargo ship at the International Space Station has been delayed until no earlier than Saturday (Sept. 28) to make way for a new crew launching to the orbiting lab this week, NASA officials say.

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Why Moms Want to 'Gobble Up' Cute Babies

Sometimes just holding a cute newborn will make a person say, "I want to eat you up!" New research shows that for women, there might be a biological mechanism behind that expression.

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