Friday, September 20, 2013

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Evolutionary 'Big Bang' Was Triggered by Multiple Events

The Cambrian explosion, the evolutionary "big bang" that led to the emergence of a trove of complex life forms, was caused by multiple events, researchers argue.

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Minty? Lemony? Humans Can Smell 10 Types of Odors

From fruity to minty to popcorn-y, all smells can be classified as one of 10 types of aroma, scientists say.

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Scientists discover new legless lizard species in California

By Laila Kearney SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California scientists have discovered four species of legless lizards hidden in unlikely habitats among central valley oil derricks, sand dunes at the end of a Los Angeles airport runway and other arid and desolate spaces. The findings, announced in a publication of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University this week, brings the number of known snake-like lizard species living in California up from one to five. "The main thing this is showing is that right here in California ... ...

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The 10 Worst US Cities for Fall Allergies

The worst U.S. cities for fall allergy sufferers were ranked this week, along with a forecast for an overall worse-than-usual season across the country.

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How to Spot the Private Cygnus Spacecraft, Space Station in Pre-Dawn Sky

Early-bird skywatchers across parts of the United States and southern Canada have several chances to spot the new private Cygnus spacecraft as it chases the International Space Station across the pre-dawn sky.

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The Best of the IPCC Climate Report Leaks

With 800 volunteer reviewers, the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — the international body that assesses the state of the science on climate change — was bound to leak.

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Female Leaders to Push for Climate Change Action

Female scientists and leaders from more than 35 countries will descend on the small town of Suffern, N.Y., this weekend to discuss issues at the intersection of climate policy and women's empowerment.

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Strange New State of Consciousness Could Exist, Researcher Says

With anesthetics properly given, very few patients wake up during surgery. However, new findings point to the possibility of a state of mind in which a patient is neither fully conscious nor unconscious, experts say. This possible third state of consciousness, may be a state in which patients can respond to a command, but are not disturbed by pain or the surgery, according to Dr. Jaideep Pandit, anesthetist at St John's College in England, who discussed the idea today (Sept. 19) at the at an anesthetists meeting in Dublin. ...

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Global warming "hiatus" unlikely to last - draft U.N. report

By Environment Correspondent Alister Doyle OSLO (Reuters) - A "hiatus" in global warming so far this century is partly caused by natural variations in a chaotic climate and is unlikely to last, a draft United Nations report by leading climate scientists says. The 127-page draft, and a shorter summary for policymakers that is due for release in Stockholm on September 27 after editing, say factors including a haze of volcanic ash and a cyclical dip in energy emitted from the sun may also have contributed to a slower warming trend. ...

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More Guns Equal More Deaths, Study Finds

Places with higher gun ownership rates also have higher firearms-related deaths, a new study finds.

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Golden Goose Awards Honor Strange Science

Politicians have their pick of strange-sounding studies when they want to call for cuts to science spending.

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Laser Shines a Light on Intestinal Diseases

Lasers can now detect problem spots on the intestines of patients with bowel diseases, researchers say.

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Flu Watchers: How Influenza Trackers Keep You Healthy

Feel a tickle in your throat? A bit feverish? As flu season approaches, you might want to see your doctor. But another kind of health professional will take an interest, too: call them the flu watchers.

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Earthquake Engineering: Can A Building Withstand 1994 Northridge Earthquake?

BUFFALO, N.Y. — In a cavernous, warehouse-type building here at the University of Buffalo, a group of men and women put on hard hats and waited for a 6.7-magnitude earthquake to strike. But this was no ordinary quake, generated by the rupture of faults deep in the Earth — these rumblings were being created on purpose.

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Disintegration of Comet ISON Would Pose No Threat to Earth

We have nothing to fear from the incoming Comet ISON, no matter how the icy object behaves during its much-anticipated close approach to the sun this November, scientists say.

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New Alien Life Claim Far from Convincing, Scientists Say

A new study that claims to present evidence of alien life is being met with a healthy dose of skepticism in the scientific community.

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Ancient Forest Thaws From Melting Glacial Tomb

An ancient forest has thawed from under a melting glacier in Alaska and is now exposed to the world for the first time in more than 1,000 years.

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Why Autumn Leaves May Be Dulled by Climate Change

Every year, New England and other northern regions reliably burst into a blaze of fall color. But this natural phenomenon will likely become less reliable as climate change disrupts the planet, experts say. Add those brilliant reds and oranges to the list of global warming victims.

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