Sunday, September 1, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

What is the Syrian Electronic Army?

The Syrian Electronic Army has been in the news a lot lately — in more ways than one. But who are they, what is their motivation, and why have they had so much success thus far?

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Looking 32,000 Years into the Past: Q&A With Author Kim Stanley Robinson

Thirty-two thousand years ago, the Earth would have been unrecognizable. The planet was in the throes of an Ice Age, now-extinct beasts roamed freely and Neanderthals may have lived alongside modern humans.

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Mars Landslides Spawned By Weird Double-Layered Craters

Scientists are a step closer to solving a 40-year-old mystery about some unusual looking craters on Mars.

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Ingredient for Life More Plentiful on Ancient Mars Than Earth

A key chemical ingredient for life may have been more abundant on early Mars than on early Earth, researchers say.

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4 Immune Boosting Tips for Back-to-School Season

Strep throat, double ear infections and yet another nasty stomach bug. Is it biological warfare, or just another back-to-school season?

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