Monday, August 5, 2013

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Scientists serve up lab-made burger from cow cells

LONDON (AP) — For a hamburger that cost more than $300,000, you might expect it to come with fries and a shake.

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Startup Connects Java Lovers With Coffee Farmers

A new startup is taking fresh coffee to a whole new level. The coffee subscription service, called The Source Coffee Co., allows customers to purchase coffee beans directly from the farmers that grow them.

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8 Ways the Internet of Things Will Change the Way We Work

The "Internet of Things" (IoT) may sound like the futuristic wave of talking refrigerators and self-starting cars, but Internet-connected devices that communicate with one another will affect our lives outside the "smart home" as well. For workers,  IoT will change the way we work by saving time and resources and opening new opportunities for growth and innovation.

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Scientists to serve lab-made burger from cow cells

LONDON (AP) — For a hamburger that cost more than $300,000, you might expect fries and a shake too.

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Does Taking Lunch Hurt Your Career?

Going out to lunch isn't just bad for employees' health; it can hurt their productivity as well, new research finds.

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Q&A on the science of growing hamburger in the lab

LONDON (AP) — At a public tasting in London Monday, Dutch scientists plan to serve hamburgers made from cow stem cells. Some questions and answers about the science behind the revolutionary patty.

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Asperger's and Autism: Brain Differences Found

Children with Asperger's syndrome show patterns of brain connectivity distinct from those of children with autism, according to a new study. The findings suggest the two conditions, which are now in one category in the new psychiatry diagnostic manual, may be biologically different.

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Why Anti-Drug Campaigns May Need to Change

Users of marijuana and alcohol may be savvier about the health risks posed by these substances than those who abstain, new research suggests.

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One-Way Mars Trip: Aspiring Martian Colonists Land In Washington

WASHINGTON — A group of volunteers hoping to become the first human Martians congregated in one spot for the first time Saturday (Aug. 3) to discuss their hopes to join the Mars One mission, a project to send colonists on a one-way trip to the Red Planet.

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Scientists to cook world's first in-vitro beef burger

By Kate Kelland, Health and Science Correspondent LONDON (Reuters) - A corner of west London will see culinary and scientific history made on Monday when scientists cook and serve up the world's first lab-grown beef burger. The in-vitro burger, cultured from cattle stem cells, the first example of what its creator says could provide an answer to global food shortages and help combat climate change, will be fried in a pan and tasted by two volunteers. ...

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Strange Ancient Ape Walked on All Fours

A bizarre ancient ape whose gait has stumped researchers for decades walked on all fours and swung from the trees, new research suggests.

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As Antarctic Sea Ice Melts, Seaweed Smothers Seafloor

Seaweed could smother polar underwater ecosystems as melting sea ice exposes the seafloor to more sunlight, new research shows.

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