Saturday, July 20, 2013

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Two Rare Persian Leopard Cubs Born in Russia

Two Persian leopard cubs were born in a Russian national park last week for the first time in 50 years, according to a statement from the World Wildlife Fund. The species is endangered.

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Mayan Discovery: Ancient Monument Reveals Royal Struggle

A nearly 1,500-year-old Mayan stone monument, inscribed with a story of an ancient power struggle, has been unearthed in Guatemala.

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Meet the Man Who Stalks the World's Biggest Fish

In the slow-motion depths of Southeast Asia's Mekong River lurks the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish, one of the world's biggest freshwater fish. When biologist Zeb Hogan first spied this shadowy goliath as an exchange student to Thailand in 1997, he knew he had to learn more about them.

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New Footage of Tsunami Dock Found

Researchers poring over old videos of seabirds in Oregon discovered footage of a Japanese dock that split from its moorings during the 2011 tsunami and washed up in the United States more than a year later.

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NASA Funds 12 Far-Out Space Tech Ideas

NASA has granted funding to a dozen imaginative tech concepts, in the hopes that one or more of them will lead to big breakthroughs in space science and exploration.

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How 3D Printing Will Transform Chinese Manufacturing (Op-Ed)

Melba Kurman , author, and Hod Lipson , Cornell University associate professor in mechanical and aerospace engineering, are co-authors of " Fabricated:  the new world of 3D printing " (John Wiley & Sons, 2013) and leading voices in the field of 3D printing. They contributed this article to LiveScience's

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Changing Your Commute Can Drastically Cut Your Costs (Op-Ed)

Rob Perks is the transportation advocacy director for the Energy & Transportation Program at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). This article was adapted from his blog post on NRDC Switchboard. He contributed this article to LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights .

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Hot Tips to Cool Pets When Summer Temps Soar (Op-Ed)

KC Theisen is director of pet care issues in the companion animals program for The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). This article first appeared on the HSUS website. Theisen contributed this article to LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights .

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The Best 25 Companies for Work-Life Balance

Though many employees strive to attain a positive work-life balance, achieving it is easier said than done.

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Rocket Engine Part Recovered by Amazon CEO Has Apollo 11 History

Forty-four years (and three days) after it helped launch the first men to walk on the moon, a huge rocket engine part salvaged from the ocean floor has been positively identified as a historic component of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission.

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How to Survive a Lightning Strike

There's a club open to people from all around the world, but you wouldn't want to join: The club is exclusively for people who've survived a lightning strike.

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King David-Era Palace Found in Israel, Archaeologists Say

Archaeologists say they've uncovered two royal buildings from Israel's biblical past, including a palace suspected to have belonged to King David.

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How They Blow: Secrets of Yellowstone's Geysers

Despite more than a century of scrutiny, the inner workings of Old Faithful and other Yellowstone National Park geysers remain a mystery.

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