Saturday, July 13, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Rover Drills Deep Into Chilean Desert to Aid Mars Life Hunt

A rover named Zoë recently traveled the Atacama Desert in Chile, the driest place on Earth and a landscape that has much in common with the harsh terrain of Mars. 

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Space-Time Loops May Explain Black Holes

Physics cannot describe what happens inside a black hole. There, current theories break down, and general relativity collides with quantum mechanics, creating what's called a singularity, or a point at whichthe equations spit out infinities.

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Sharks No Match for Invasive Lionfish

The eye-catching red lionfish is eating its way through Caribbean reefs, and nothing, not even a toothy shark, seems able to stop the voracious fish, a new study finds. 

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How Sun Could Shed Light on ADHD (Op-Ed)

Dr. Eugene Arnold is aOhio State University Wexner Medical Center's Nisonger Center with m Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

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Tiny Modems & Routers Can Be Big Energy Hogs (Op-Ed)

Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

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When Animals Suffer, the Country Pays a Price (Op-Ed)

post on the blog A Humane Nation, where it ran before appearing in Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights

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Got Science? Pushing Back Against Corporate 'Counterfeit Science' (Op-Ed)

Union of Concerned Scientists, a veteran science journalist and author of six books. This article will appear in Shulman's column 'Got Science?'. Shulman contributed this article to LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights

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Manned Mars Missions: How Will Astronauts Get Along?

Scientists aim to equip manned crews to Mars with innovative devices that keep track of social interactions and provide instant feedback when conflict and other troubles regarding teamwork emerge.

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Astronaut Hygiene: How to Wash Your Hair In Space (Video)

In space, washing your hair can be a, well, hair-raising adventure, and one NASA astronaut has the video to prove it.

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How Big Is the Average Penis? Science Finds Out

The average American man's penis is 5.6 inches (14.2 centimeters) long when erect, a new survey of 1,661 men finds.

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Ancient Graves, Pyramid Ruins Found in Mexico

Construction work in eastern Mexico exposed an ancient settlement, including 30 skeletons and the ruins of a pyramid, believed to be up to 2,000 years old, archaeology officials announced.

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Last Manhattanhenge Sunset of 2013 in NYC Tonight

New Yorkers will be treated to a special view this evening (July 13), as the setting sun aligns with Manhattan's east-to-west, grid-patterned streets. While it will be the last time this year that the Big Apple experiences this "magic" sunset show, clouds and rain are threatening to spoil the spectacle.

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11 Resume Myths Busted: Realities Revealed

Crafting the perfect résumé is a hard-enough challenge before trying to factor in all the myths there are about the process. However, some of those common myths — including your résumé can't be more than one page or it's OK to have some white lies on your résumé — hold very little water among companies looking to hire employees. To separate fact from fiction, several experts gave the truth behind some of their favorite myths on what companies look for in a résumé. 

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Fear Keeping Employees From Speaking Up at Work

If you're losing sleep worrying about your job security, you're not alone.

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Moon Has Close Encounters with Planets, Star This Month: How to See It

If you only glance at the sky now and then, you may think it's pretty much the same every night. Regular sky watchers know better, and are aware of the constant changes the sky undergoes.

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