Monday, July 4, 2016

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NASA's Juno spacecraft poised for one-shot try to orbit Jupiter

By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - A NASA spacecraft was poised for a one-shot attempt to slip into Jupiter's orbit on Monday for the start of a 20-month-long dance around the solar system's largest planet to learn how and where it formed. Flight controllers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, were preparing for a long night as the Juno probe streaked closer toward Jupiter at 200 times the speed of sound in the empty vacuum of space. Confirmation of whether Juno, the only solar-powered spacecraft ever dispatched to the outer solar system, had successfully placed itself into polar orbit around Jupiter was not expected until 11:53 p.m. EDT on Monday (0353 GMT on Tuesday).

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Fastest-Ever Spacecraft to Arrive at Jupiter Tonight

NASA's Juno probe will attempt to slip into orbit around Jupiter tonight (July 4), shortly after becoming the fastest object ever made by human hands. As Juno nears Jupiter tonight, the giant planet's powerful gravity will accelerate the spacecraft to an estimated top speed of about 165,000 mph (265,000 km/h) relative to Earth, mission team members said. "I don't think we've had any human[-made] object that's moved that fast, that's left the Earth," Juno principal investigator Scott Bolton, of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, said during a news conference last week.

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Sunday, July 3, 2016

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60-Year-Old Woman Wants to Get Pregnant: What Are the Risks?

A 60-year-old women in England whose daughter died wants to use her eggs to get pregnant, and give birth to her own grandchild, but would such a pregnancy come with risks? In general, older women are at higher risk for complications during pregnancy compared with younger women.

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E.T. phone home: China eyes hunt for alien life with giant telescope

China on Sunday hoisted the final piece into position on what will be the world's largest radio telescope, which it will use to explore space and help in the hunt for extraterrestrial life, state media said. Scientists will now start debugging and trials of the telescope, Zheng Xiaonian, deputy head of the National Astronomical Observation under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which built the telescope, told the official Xinhua news agency. "The project has the potential to search for more strange objects to better understand the origin of the universe and boost the global hunt for extraterrestrial life," the report paraphrased Zheng as saying.

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Friday, July 1, 2016

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NASA space probe to lift the veil on Jupiter

By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - NASA's Juno spacecraft hurtled closer toward Jupiter on Friday headed for a July 4 leap into polar orbit around the solar system's largest planet to analyze how it formed and helped set the stage for life on Earth. During a 20-month study, Juno is expected to circle the gas giant in 37 egg-shaped orbits to measure microwaves radiating from inside the planet's thick atmosphere, map its massive magnetic field and conduct other experiments.     Scientists are particularly keen to learn how much water Jupiter contains, a key to unlocking the origins of the largest celestial body in the solar system after the sun. Jupiter currently orbits the sun at a distance about five times farther away than Earth, but it may have formed in a different location and migrated, gravitationally elbowing aside other planets along the way.

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Half of Adélie Penguins Could Be Wiped Out by Global Warming

Global warming may cause massive drops in the population of Adélie penguins in Antarctica, new climate data suggests. The tuxedo-clad birds breed on rocky, ice-free ground, and as glaciers receded over millions of years, Adélie penguins have reclaimed once icebound land for breeding. "It is only in recent decades that we know Adélie penguins population declines are associated with warming, which suggests that many regions of Antarctica have warmed too much and that further warming is no longer positive for the species," study co-author Megan Cimino, a researcher in the college of earth, ocean and the environment at the University of Delaware, said in a statement.

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Polly Says What?! Should Parrots Testify at Murder Trials?

Bird scientists are skeptical whether Bud, an African grey parrot who allegedly witnessed a murder in 2015 in Michigan, can give reliable testimony or spoken evidence at a court trial. That's not because African grey parrots aren't intelligent — the birds can be trained to do simple math, speak with enormous vocabularies and demonstrate impressive inferential reasoning. Rather, it's unclear whether Bud is repeating a conversation from the murder itself, or whether he heard it on TV, the radio or from another time in his life, experts told Live Science.

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Ancient Shrine That May Hold Buddha's Skull Bone Found in Crypt

Archaeologists have discovered what may be a skull bone from the revered Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama. The bone was hidden inside a model of a stupa, or a Buddhist shrine used for meditation. The research team found the 1,000-year-old model within a stone chest in a crypt beneath a Buddhist temple in Nanjing, China.

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Newfound Human Species Suggests Africa Was Evolutionary Melting Pot

The most recently discovered extinct human species may have lived less than 1 million years ago, researchers have discovered. This finding suggests that a diverse range of human species might have lived at the same time in Africa, just as they might have in Asia, researchers said. In 2015, scientists reported South African fossils of a hitherto-unknown relative of modern humans that possessed an unusual mix of features, such as feet adapted for a life on the ground but hands suited for a life in the trees.

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Scientists hope new shark cam gives insight to deep dives

MONTEREY, Calif. (AP) — Researchers are developing a one-of-a-kind camera to mount on great white sharks in an effort to discover why the fish travel each year to a spot in the Pacific Ocean nicknamed the "White Shark Cafe."

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Antarctic Ozone Hole Shows 1st Signs of Healing

More than 30 years after scientists first spotted a hole in the atmosphere's protective ozone layer over the South Pole, they are seeing the "first fingerprints of healing," researchers reported today (June 30). "But October is also subject to the slings and arrows of other things that vary, like slight changes in meteorology.

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Dog 'Kisses' Give Woman Severe Infection

A woman in the United Kingdom developed a potentially life-threatening infection that had an unusual cause: "kisses" from her dog.

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'Breast Cancer Gene' BRCA1 Linked to Aggressive Uterine Cancer  

Mutations in women's BRCA genes, which are linked to both breast cancer and ovarian cancer, may also increase their risk of developing a particularly deadly form of uterine cancer, a new study finds. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are sometimes referred to as the "breast cancer genes" because women who have a mutation in one or both of these genes face a much greater risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer than women without mutations in these genes. But previous studies have also suggested that women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation may also be more likely to develop a type of uterine cancer called uterine serous carcinoma, said Dr. Noah Kauff, director of clinical cancer genetics at the Duke Cancer Institute in North Carolina and the senior author of the new study.

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For Kids with Eczema, 'Soak and Smear'

To bathe or not to bathe: that has been the question for parents of children with eczema. Some parents think that frequent bathing ultimately will dry out the skin and make eczema symptoms worse. Now, a new review of studies on bathing and eczema attempts to provide some clarity.

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Thursday, June 30, 2016

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Olympics will come and go but Zika is here to stay, scientists say

By Paulo Prada RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Battered by a presidential impeachment and the worst recession since the Great Depression, Brazil is getting a rare bit of relief as Rio de Janeiro prepares to host the Olympics: declining numbers of Zika infections. Since the start of the Zika outbreak, which wreaked havoc across Brazil's northeast earlier this year, many physicians and would-be visitors have worried the Games could be a catalyst to spread the virus internationally. Some athletes, including the world's top-ranked golfer, have said they will stay home to avoid infection because of concerns over health complications caused by Zika, notably microcephaly, a birth defect among babies of pregnant mothers infected by the virus.

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Airbus, Safran finalize space launchers merger

French engine maker Safran will pay Airbus Group 750 million euros ($832 million) as they combine their space launch activities to combat growing low-cost competition. The Safran board will meet on Thursday to make a preliminary selection from a dozen offers for its Morpho biometrics and security business, sources told Reuters on Wednesday.

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Ikea's Dresser Recall: 7 Tips to Prevent Furniture Injuries

A new recall of topple-prone Ikea dressers highlights the hazards that everyday furniture can hold for children, but there are a number of things parents can do to make their homes safer. This week, Ikea recalled 29 million chests and dressers, because they were unstable and prone to tip over if they were not anchored to a wall, thus causing possible injuries to children, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The dressers have been linked with the deaths of several U.S. children, who suffered fatal injuries after the furniture fell on them.

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Butter May Not Be Bad for Your Heart

The study found no link between consuming butter and an increased risk of heart disease or stroke, instead finding that butter might actually be slightly protective against type 2 diabetes. "Overall, our results suggest that butter should neither be demonized nor considered 'back' as a route to good health," study co-author Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University in Massachusetts, said in a statement.

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Is There a Link Between Bacteria and Breast Cancer?

There are bacteria living in women's breast tissue, and these microbes may affect women's health, a new study from Canada suggests.

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Scorpion Architects Build Lairs with Porches and Mating Rooms

The twists and turns of a scorpion's underground burrows are generally inaccessible to anything that isn't a scorpion — including scientists. The scientists investigated the burrow construction of three species from two different genera of the Scorpionidae family, to understand how the scorpions were benefiting from their tunnels' structural designs. The scorpions lived in three locations — the Negev desert in Israel, and the Kalahari Desert and the Central Highlands, both in Namibia — where variations in soil composition and hardness could affect the types of tunnels the critters constructed.

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Real-Life Holodeck? 'Star Trek' Tech Uses VR to Solve Global Problems

On the cult sci-fi TV show "Star Trek," crewmembers aboard the USS Enterprise could explore simulated environments or participate in interactive virtual experiences — anything from walking around lush forests to trying to solve a Sherlock Holmes-style mystery — as a way to mentally escape the confines of the starship or take a break from daily activities. While the fictional Holodeck from the hit series was mainly used by the "Star Trek" characters for recreational purposes, could such an immersive virtual-reality (VR) environment help people tackle global problems like climate change or drug policy? Researchers at New York University (NYU) think so, and they are designing their own version of the technology to create a cyberlearning environment of the future.

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Lab-Grown 'Living' Bones Could Yield Customized Implants

For the first time, pieces of living bone have been grown from the cells of patients — in this case, miniature pigs — and sculpted to replace missing anatomical structures.

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Rosetta spacecraft to give "final kiss" to comet on crash-landing

The European spacecraft Rosetta will crash-land on the surface of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and end its 12-year space odyssey on Sept. 30, France's National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) said on Thursday. Rosetta has helped scientists better understand how the Earth and other planets are formed. The space craft detected key organic compounds in a comet, bolstering the notion that comets delivered the chemical building blocks for life long ago to Earth and throughout the solar system.

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