Tuesday, July 23, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

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Subarctic Wildfire Activity Is Heating Up

Subarctic wildfire frequency is higher now than it has been at any other point in the last 10,000 years, new records show.

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Hey Flipper! Dolphins Use Names to Reunite

Dolphins call to each other using distinctive whistles that serve as names, new research suggests.

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Outbreak of Intestinal Disease Cyclosporiasis Sickens 200

An outbreak of the intestinal illness cyclosporiasis has sickened more than 200 people in four states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Bizarre 'Schrodinger's Cat' Comes Alive in New Experiments

The strangeness of the world of the very small that allows a particle to be in two states at once may extend to larger scales, two new studies reveal. If the research proves true, that would bolster the validity of a thought experiment suggesting a cat can be both alive and dead at the same time.

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Earthlings Wave at Saturn as NASA Probe Snaps Earth's Photo

Earthlings en mass waved at Saturn on Friday (July 19) for a planetary portrait session being snapped by NASA's Cassini probe at the famed ringed planet.

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Some Parents Opting for Pharmacies, Not Doctors

About one in four parents have taken their kids to a clinic at a chain pharmacy or other retail store for health care, a new study suggests.

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Wow! NASA Probes See Earth & Moon from Saturn, Mercury (Photos)

NASA has unveiled spectacular portraits of Earth and its moon from billions of miles away in images captured on Friday (July 19) and released today by the teams behind the agency's Cassini spacecraft at Saturn and its Messenger probe at Mercury.

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Smaller, paler Earth unveiled in new NASA photo

By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A robotic space probe nearly 900 million miles from Earth turned its gaze away from Saturn and its entourage of moons to take a picture of its home planet, NASA said on Monday. The resulting image shows Earth as a very small, blue-tinged dot - paler and tinier than in other photos - overshadowed by the giant Saturn's rings in foreground. ...

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Wide Racial Gap in Reaction to Zimmerman Verdict

The American public is divided, largely along racial and political lines, over George Zimmerman's acquittal and the conversation it has sparked about race, according to a new poll.

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Heartland Virus Is Carried by Ticks

The Heartland virus, a mysterious virus first identified last year in two Missouri farmers, is indeed transmitted to people by ticks, new research suggests.

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Strange Particles Shape-Shift From One Flavor to Another

Exotic particles called neutrinos have been caught in the act of shape-shifting, switching from one flavor to another, in a discovery that could help solve the mystery of antimatter.

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Monday, July 22, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

feedamail.com Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Boy Inhales Blowgun Dart

A 15-year-old boy in Ohio required a visit to the emergency room after he inhaled a dart from a homemade blowgun, according to a new report of his case.

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How Smart Is Advanced Artificial Intelligence? Try Preschool Level

One of the most advanced artificial intelligence systems is about as smart as preschooler, new research suggests. But your preschooler may have better common sense.

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Human Touch: Sensor Lets Robots 'Feel'

Robots do not look human just yet, but soon they may get the "human touch." Researchers say they have developed a flexible sensor able to detect temperature, pressure and humidity simultaneously, and more accurately than currently existing devices.

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Starry Night: Colors of Summer Stars Explained

One of the pleasures people can get out of stargazing is noticing and enjoying the various colors that stars display in dark skies.

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Incredible Technology: How to Find Life on Mars

Editor's Note: In this weekly series, SPACE.com explores how technology drives space exploration and discovery.Finding life on Mars isn't easy.

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Who Inherits the British Throne?

News that Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, is in the early stages of labor has set the Internet abuzz with curiosity. And in a historic first, Kate's child is guaranteed to be in the line of succession for the British throne — regardless of its sex.

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Chinese Rocket Engine Test a Big Step for Space Station Project

China has successfully test-fired the rocket engine that will power the next-generation heavy-lift booster, the Long March 5, that will help drive the country's space exploration into the final frontier.

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Boeing Reveals Interior of New Commercial Space Capsule

HOUSTON — Boeing has thrown open the hatch to its new commercial spacecraft, offering a first look inside the capsule it is building in a bid to fly NASA astronauts to the International Space Station.

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New Antarctic Evidence Reveals Past Melting

One of the wild cards in estimating future sea level rise from global warming is the enormous East Antarctic Ice Sheet, which holds more freshwater in its icy expanse than the whole of Greenland.

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Foul Corpse Flower Blooms in Washington

The aptly nicknamed corpse flower on display in Washington, D.C., has finally gone into full bloom, unleashing a stench like rotting flesh inside the U.S. Botanic Garden Conservatory.

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Smelly Situation: Why Some Flowers Reek

In the next few hours or days, an enormous blossom that reeks of rotting flesh will bloom in the U.S. Botanic Garden in Washington, D.C. But the plant, aptly nicknamed the corpse flower, or titan arum, is only one of several hundred species of plants that produces stinky blooms reeking of dung and rancid carrion.

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

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FtBCON: Science Communication

FtBCON: Science Communication

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Student Engineers Spark Zero-Gravity Fires on Weightless Wild Ride

HOUSTON — Gravity, we have defied you. Seven university student teams from across the United States escaped the pull of Earth's gravity — if only for a few seconds — on a NASA microgravity flight to see how fire, liquids and magnets behave in weightlessness.

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Catastrophic Mud Eruption Had Natural Causes, Study Finds

A catastrophic mud eruption in Indonesia blamed on drilling by an oil company might instead have natural causes, new research suggests.

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Climate Change Could Wipe Out Iberian Lynx

Climate change could ensure the wipe out of the Iberian Lynx, considered the world's most endangered cat, new research from Spain suggests.

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