Tuesday, July 9, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

feedamail.com Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Ancient City of Angkor Much Bigger Than Thought

Angkor, the ancient capital of the Khmer Empire, has been mapped for the first time using laser light.

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More Major Hurricanes Coming This Century

Strong hurricanes could hit Asia and the U.S. East Coast more often this century, a new study finds.

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How to Survive a Plane Crash

Your chances of surviving an airplane crash, like the recent crash of Asiana Airlines Flight 214 at San Francisco International Airport, are surprisingly good.

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Spring Conception Ups Risk of Preterm Birth

Babies conceived in the spring may be at increased risk of being born prematurely, a new study suggests.

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Is Your Olive Oil As Healthy As You Think? (Op-Ed)

Katherine Tallmadge Diet Simple: 195 Mental Tricks, Substitutions, Habits & Inspirations Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights

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Ice Above Lake Vostok Includes DNA From Animals

Microbes that live inside fish intestines are among the array of life that appear to have been found in ice drilled from above Lake Vostok, the deepest lake buried beneath Antarctica's ice sheet.

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Living on 'Gasland:' Q&A with Documentary Filmmaker Josh Fox

When Josh Fox received notice that a natural gas company was interested in drilling a well on his property in exchange for $100,000, he set out to investigate exactly how the towering derricks and squat-looking wells that dot the land in some 34 states affect the lives of those whose backyards have suddenly become a goldmine for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

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Curiosity Rover Begins Epic Drive to Mars Mountain

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has set out on its first big road trip, a long journey that will traverse miles of Red Planet scenery over the course of the next year or so.

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Astronauts to Spacewalk Outside Space Station Today: Watch It Live

Two astronauts will work outside the International Space Station for 6 1/2 hours on Tuesday, and you can follow all the free-floating action live.

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Women Who Freeze Eggs Wish They Had Done It Sooner

Women who freeze their eggs in hopes of improving their fertility later in life feel positive about the experience, but wish they had done it at an earlier age, a new study finds.

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Citizen Scientists Enlisted to Map Ancient Hillforts

British researchers are soliciting help from citizen scientists to gather information on some 5,000 Iron Age hillforts that dot the United Kingdom and Ireland.

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New Metallic Bubble Wrap Out-Pops Plastic

New metallic bubble wrap is far stronger than plastic bubble wrap, and more than 50 percent more bendable than flat sheet metal.

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Are Guns Safe in Homes of Seniors & Mentally Ill? Docs Weigh In

Although debates about gun control often focus on the safety of children around guns, older people who own guns are also at risk for injury, doctors say.

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Disease Prevention Celebrated but Rarely Practiced

Why doesn't America invest more in disease prevention than in postdisease treatments, when the former is well-known to be a better way to save lives and money?

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Gathering Gondwana: New Look at an Ancient Puzzle

Scientists are a step closer to solving part of a 165-million-year-old giant jigsaw puzzle: the breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana.

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NASA Will Discuss 2020 Mars Rover Launch Today: How to Listen Live

NASA officials will discuss plans for the next big U.S. rover to land on Mars, a car-sized robot slated to launch toward the Red Planet.

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Huge Sunspot Facing the Earth: Watch It Live Today

A huge sunspot 11 times the size of Earth is facing our planet now and you can see live telescope views of the solar behemoth in a skywatching webcast today.

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NYC Releasing Gases to Track Air Flow

If gas, smoke or some other contaminant is released into the New York City subway, where does it go? That's the question that scientists from Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island and city agencies are trying to answer with a series of tests this month aimed at beefing up the city's preparedness for potential terrorist attacks or accidental leaks.

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Cat Poop Parasite Is Dangerously Widespread

Be careful next time you change the kitty litter — cat poop can carry a nefarious parasite that may be much more widespread than thought, researchers say.

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Pharaoh's Sphinx Paws Found in Israel

Archaeologists digging in Israel say they have made an unexpected find: the feet of an Egyptian sphinx linked to a pyramid-building pharaoh.

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Unraveling PTSD: New Look Reveals How Disorder May Progress

People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often show differences in certain brain areas compared to healthy people, but it's been difficult for researchers to determine whether these differences are a cause or a consequence of the condition.

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Why Toronto Was Drenched by Record Rainfall

The torrential rain that soaked parts of Toronto yesterday (July 8), causing widespread flooding on major highways and hobbling the city's transit system, broke Toronto's nearly 60-year-old single-day rainfall record, meteorologists said.

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Monday, July 8, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

feedamail.com Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

First test-tube baby born after new, cheaper genome screening

By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) - The first test-tube baby to come from an embryo screened for genetic defects using a new, low-cost technique that could improve in-vitro fertilization success rates was born last month and is a healthy boy. The birth in June was announced on Monday as part of a study that scientists said validated the concept of next-generation genome screening, although more clinical tests are needed before the system is used widely. ...

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Secret Feeding Habits of Galaxies Revealed

If galaxies were only limited to the amount of gas they formed with, they would quickly burn through their entire supply by making stars. Astronomers have long suspected that galaxies pull in resources from the universe around them to sustain themselves, but evidence of such consumption is challenging to obtain.

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Mysterious Deep-Space Explosions Baffle Scientists

Powerful and puzzling radio blasts in other galaxies constantly explode across the night sky, a new study suggests.

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High Achievers More Prone to Jealousy on Facebook

People who are high-achieving in academics may be more prone to feelings of romantic jealousy than those who are less studious, new research suggests.

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Ice Pops May Lead to False Positive Fungal Test

A woman tested positive for a serious fungal infection, but wasn't actually infected — instead, her test results stemmed from eating ice pops containing a certain food additive, according to a case report.

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Kinky! Hawkmoths Rub Genitals to Ward Off Bats

With perhaps the kinkiest alarm system in the animal kingdom, hawkmoths rub their genitals to create ultrasound bursts that might drive away bats, researchers say.

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New Space Engine Could Turn Tiny CubeSats into Interplanetary Explorers

Researchers plan to launch a tiny spacecraft to Earth orbit and beyond within the next 18 months, in a key test of new propulsion technology that could help cut the cost of planetary exploration by a factor of 1,000.

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Incredible Technology: How to Make Interstellar Spaceflight a Reality

Editor's Note: In this weekly series, SPACE.com explores how technology drives space exploration and discovery.Humanity's long march to other star systems begins with baby steps today, experts say.

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Primeval Underwater Forest Discovered in Gulf of Mexico

Scuba divers have discovered a primeval underwater forest off the coast of Alabama.

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How One Weird Fish Jumps on Land

Strong leaping skills help a bizarre hermaphrodite fish live out of water for weeks at a time, new research shows.

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Political Standoff Causes Concern over the Future of Science in Russia

Political Standoff Causes Concern over the Future of Science in Russia

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Interns Find Medieval Pottery at Richard III Dig

A week into the new excavation at Richard III's gravesite, archaeology interns have uncovered some medieval artifacts, the dig team announced.

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Space Shuttle Enterprise Exhibit Reopening in NYC this Week

Space shuttle Enterprise is ready for its re-debut.

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