Tuesday, May 28, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

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Biotech's bull run starts to look frothy

By Deena Beasley (Reuters) - Biotech stocks are so hot that even some of the bulls are starting to find themselves on edge. An index of biotech drug makers' shares has climbed nearly 50 percent in the past 12 months to all-time highs as the industry starts to launch drugs developed by identifying genes associated with disease - a revolution made possible by decoding the first human genome more than 10 years ago. ...

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Analysis - Biotech's bull run starts to look frothy

By Deena Beasley (Reuters) - Biotech stocks are so hot that even some of the bulls are starting to find themselves on edge. An index of biotech drugmakers' shares has climbed nearly 50 percent in the past 12 months to all-time highs as the industry starts to launch drugs developed by identifying genes associated with disease - a revolution made possible by decoding the first human genome more than 10 years ago. ...

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After Sandy: NYC Beaches Serve as Model for Post-Disaster Rebuilding

After Hurricane Sandy ravaged New York City's coastlines, city officials knew that any effort to rebuild the damaged beaches had to make sustainability a top priority. Rather than simply replacing what was destroyed, they had to make sure new structures on the shores were built to withstand the next Sandy-like storm.

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Exquisite Map of Cosmos Hints at Universe's Birth

A map of the universe based on its oldest light is giving astronomers hope that they may be able to answer some of the deepest questions of the cosmos, including how it got started.

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How 3D Printers Could Reinvent NASA Space Food

A NASA-funded project that aims to transform a 3D printer into a space kitchen could one day reinvent how astronauts eat in the final frontier.

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Wrinkles Make Faces Appear More Sad, Angry

WASHINGTON – Creases and furrows on someone's face may put a wrinkle in our ability to properly judge his or her emotions, a new study suggests.

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Astronaut Crew Launching to Space Station Today: Watch It Live

A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying an American astronaut, an Italian astronaut and a Russian cosmonaut will launch on the second-ever express trip to the International Space Station today (May 28).

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Earliest Case of Child Abuse Discovered in Egyptian Cemetery

A 2- to 3-year-old child from a Romano-Christian-period cemetery in Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, shows evidence of physical child abuse, archaeologists have found. The child, who lived around 2,000 years ago, represents the earliest documented case of child abuse in the archaeological record, and the first case ever found in Egypt, researchers say.

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#sci4hels - What makes one a "killer" (science) journalist of the future?

#sci4hels - What makes one a "killer" (science) journalist of the future?

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Monday, May 27, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

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Menopausal 'Foggy Brain' Confirmed in Tests

Memory problems are a common complaint of women going through menopause, and now a new study provides more evidence linking mood and hot flashes to loss of memory abilities during menopause.

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Genes Play Role in Baby's Sleep at Night

Parents who are having difficulty getting their babies to sleep through the night may be somewhat relieved by a new study showing that a large determinant of an infant's nighttime sleep is simply the luck of the genetic draw.

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

feedamail.com Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Normal or Not? When Body-Appearance Obsession Becomes a Disorder

A disfiguring bump on the nose that seems to scream for plastic surgery; eyebrows that appear to get thicker and thicker, requiring constant plucking; bodybuilding that never seems to build enough muscle to satisfy — the obsessions that come with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) can take many forms.

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Spin Zone: Physicists Get 1st Look at Strange Quantum Magnetism

Using super-chilled atoms, physicists have for the first time observed a weird phenomenon called quantum magnetism, which describes the behavior of single atoms as they act like tiny bar magnets.

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Mexican Cave Art Offers Peek into Pre-Spanish Past

In the mountains of northeastern Mexico, archaeologists have unearthed thousands of ancient paintings on the walls of caves and ravines from a time before Spanish rule.

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Student-Built Robots to Race in Mock Mars Rover Challenge

SALT LAKE CITY — What does it take to build and command a vehicle capable of exploring Mars? Ninety students from around the world are about to find out.

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Rare 3-Planet Sight Tonight: See Jupiter, Mercury and Venus Together

Three planets will perform a rare celestial dance in the sunset sky tonight (May 26), a cosmic show that stars Jupiter, Venus and Mercury.

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

feedamail.com Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Storm Clouds Ahead: Budget Cuts Threaten Severe Weather Forecasts

The tornado that hit Moore, Okla., on Monday (May 23) killed an estimated two dozen people and caused devastating property damage. Residents had advance warning of the storm, thanks to weather forecasts. But with forced budget cuts in effect, forecasters may not be adequately prepared for future natural disasters.

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Memorial Day Planet Parade: See Jupiter, Mercury & Venus

A trio of bright planets is shining together in the sunset sky, a must-see night sky sight for stargazers this Memorial Day weekend.

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3D Printer Launching to Space Station in 2014

A 3D printer is slated to arrive at the International Space Station next year, where it will crank out the first parts ever manufactured off planet Earth.

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Rocket lifts off with U.S. military communications satellite

By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - An unmanned Delta 4 rocket blasted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on Friday to put a multi-use, broadband communications satellite into orbit for the U.S. military. The 217-foot (66-meter) tall rocket lifted off at 8:27 p.m. EDT (0027 Saturday GMT), soaring southeast over the Atlantic Ocean as it headed into orbit. Perched on top of the rocket was the fifth member of the Wideband Global SATCOM, or WGS, satellite network, which provides the U.S. military, national leaders and allies with high-capacity broadband communications. ...

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Planetary alignment peaks with celestial show this weekend

By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest planets in the sky this month, will be joined by tiny Mercury for a rare celestial show this weekend. Typically, Venus, the second-closest planet to the sun, and Jupiter, which orbits beyond Mars, are tens of millions of miles apart. But they have been cycling together while moving ever closer to each other this month, joined by the innermost planet Mercury. The celestial show peaks on Sunday when the trio will appear as a bright triangle of light in the western sky beginning about 30 minutes after sunset. ...

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The Emotion Men Should Hide in Job Interviews

Attention nervous nellies — especially men — you need to get your emotions in check if you want to land a job, new research shows.

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Slow Earthquakes: Slippery Clays at Fault

Slow earthquakes don't kill anyone, but they're certainly suspicious characters. Recent great earthquakes, such as massive temblors in Japan and Chile, were foreshadowed by slow quakes shuffling through the regions in the months before the deadly shaking struck.

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UK Beach Quality Plummets

As Memorial Day weekend sees people in the United States celebrating the opening of beach season, data from a European Environment Agency (EEA) report serves as a warning of how wild weather can affect water safety.

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Alien Planets Could Shed Light on Earth's Climate Future

A Comparative Climatology Symposium held at NASA Headquarters on May 7 focused on new approaches to climate research by highlighting the similarities and contrasts between the environments of the rocky worlds Venus, Earth, Mars and Saturn's smoggy moon Titan. 

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Spotted: 1st Evidence of Leopard Eating Chimp

Only rarely have people seen what happens when chimpanzees and leopards come into close quarters in the wilds of Africa. On these occasions, chimpanzees have made loud, fearful calls, or played the aggressor: In one case, chimps even surrounded a leopard den and killed a cub.

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Astronaut Packs Crafts for Creative Space Station Trip

An American astronaut is about to get seriously crafty in space.

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