Tuesday, August 20, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

feedamail.com Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Willpower Is All in Your Head, Study Suggests

Willpower may be plentiful — as long as you believe it is.

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The Surprising Way People Judge Music

When it comes to music, the eyes may be more important than the ears.

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Indoor Tanning By White Teens Girls Common, Report Finds

Indoor tanning is common among white teenage girls, especially older teens, according to a new report from researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Gay Conversion Therapy: What You Should Know

On Monday (Aug. 19), New Jersey became the second state, after California, to sign a ban on therapy that claims to convert gay people into heterosexual. The California law is held up in federal courts on first amendment grounds.

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30% of White Teens Girls Use Indoor Tanning

Indoor tanning is common among white teenage girls, especially older teens, according to a new report from researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Oldest 'Bog Body' Found with Skin Intact

Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a 4,000-year-old man preserved in an Irish peat bog, marking the oldest European body ever found with skin still intact.

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New Nova In the Night Sky: A Star Explosion Explained

Stargazers are thrilled over the surprise appearance of a star explosion, known as a nova, in the night sky last week, but there is more to this cosmic event than meets the eye.

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Private Space Plane Passes Runway Tests

A privately built space plane successfully completed a series of key tests earlier this month, as part of an ongoing effort to judge the winged vehicle's ability to carry astronauts to and from the International Space Station one day.

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500th Eruption! Why Japan's Sakurajima Volcano Is So Active

Sakurajima volcano in Japan marked its 500th eruption of the year with an impressive pyrotechnic display on Sunday (Aug. 18) at 4:31 p.m. local time.

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Far Out: Ancient Egyptian Jewelry Came from Outer Space

Ancient Egyptian beads found in a 5,000-year-old tomb were made from iron meteorites that fell to Earth from space, according to a new study. The beads, which are the oldest known iron artifacts in the world, were crafted roughly 2,000 years before Egypt's Iron Age.

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Explore the World's Coral Reefs with Google Street View

With a mouse click, viewers anywhere can be transported to the serene underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef.

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Thalmic Labs' MYO Wristband Aimed at Disrupting Wearable Tech

If you haven't already heard about wearable technology, it won't be long before you do. Devices like Google Glass and Jawbone are already nearly household names, but soon, a new gesture control armband, called MYO, will be in the ranks of recognizable wearable tech brands.

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The 10 Hottest Jobs in IT Right Now

Workers looking for jobs in the information-technology field may have the upper hand, as demand for IT workers far outweighs the supply of available workers, new research suggests.

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'Duck Dynasty' Sneakers Get Limited Crowdfunded Run

It was only a matter of time before "Duck Dynasty's" notably untrendy stars got into the fashion game. A new line of running shoes inspired by the popular A&E reality show will feature — what else — camo-patterned sneakers.

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Incredible Technology: How to Live on Mars

Editor's Note: In this weekly series, SPACE.com explores how technology drives space exploration and discovery.If humanity hopes to establish a lasting presence on Mars, it will have to learn to live off the land.

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Boom! Calif. Building's Destruction Reveals Earthquake Risk

On Saturday morning (Aug. 17), a tiny artificial earthquake raced through California's East Bay, a densely populated area of valleys and hills across the bay from San Francisco. Triggered by a building implosion at California State University, East Bay, in Hayward, the seismic waves were recorded by more than 500 seismometers set out in backyards and businesses by volunteers the week before the building's collapse.

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Student Contest Launches to Aid Private Manned Mission to Mars

A private manned Mars mission may get some help from students on its way to the launch pad in 2018.

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The Quantified Sex Life: Apps Track Data in the Bedroom

As the so-called quantified self movement gains footing, there's no shortage of gadgets and apps to help people track their latest physical coups, from their fastest mile to the "biggest air" they've achieved on a snowboard.

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Longest-Living Bat Holds Clues to Longevity

The longest-living bat species may owe its exceptional life span, at least in part, to its genes, a new study suggests.

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Blue Moon Rises Tonight: 5 Amazing Facts

When the full moon rises tonight (Aug. 20), it will technically be a Blue Moon, but not for the reason you might think.

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Lyme Disease? You May Want a Second Opinion (Op-Ed)

Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights

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Science & Culture: Is Brain Project the Apollo of Our Time?

This spring, President Obama announced what could be this generation's defining national science effort — an ambitious mission to map the human brain. In its size and scope, the project could claim a place in human culture on par with previous landmarks, like the moon landings and the Human Genome Project, experts say.

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10 Years After Record Blackout, is U.S. Any Better Prepared? (Op-Ed)

Mike Jacobs is a senior energy analyst for the Climate & Energy program of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). This artcile is adapted from a post that originally appeared on the UCS blog, The Equation. Jacobs Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights

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Ecosystems on the Move: Why Climate Change Is So Complicated (Op-Ed)

Lisa Moore, a scientist with Environmental Defense Fund, contributed this article to LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights??

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Climate Change Has Arrived in California (Op-Ed)

Adrienne Alvord is the Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights

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Why 'Fat' is Becoming the Other F-Word (Op-Ed)

Dr. Wendy Anderson-Willis is a pediatrician at Nationwide Children's Hospital Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights

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Looming Helium Shortage Raises Alarms

The world is facing a critical helium shortage, which threatens much more than the party-balloon industry.

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Blood Test May Predict Risk of Suicide

It can be difficult to tell when a person is contemplating suicide -- people may be reluctant to speak about it. But now, researchers say they may have a new tool that reveals suicidal thoughts with a blood test.

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Comet Makes Suicidal Plunge Into Sun (Video)

A small comet dove headlong toward the sun this week in a cosmic death-dive captured on camera by a spacecraft — an opening act of sorts for the highly anticipated close solar approach of another comet, Comet ISON, in a few months' time.

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Mysterious Dolphin Die-Off Puzzles Scientists

Something is causing a massive die-off of dolphins along the East Coast of the United States, and scientists are struggling to find the cause.

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'Magic Mushrooms' Not Linked to Mental Health Problems: Study

Using psychedelic drugs, such as LSD and "magic mushrooms," does not appear to increase the risk of developing mental health problems, a new study suggests.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

FeedaMail: Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

feedamail.com Science News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Explore an Underwater Volcano Live in HD

For decades, viewing the bizarre underwater ecosystems at seafloor hydrothermal vents has been the privilege of scientists shoehorned into submersibles or researchers steering diving robots.

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First Fossil Whale Poop Pops Up in Italy

Clumps of squid beaks sticking out of clay in Italy's Umbrian badlands may be the first fossilized ambergris, or whale poo, ever found.

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Manned Missions to Mars: Is the Moon Really a Stepping Stone?

The moon may be more of a stumbling block than a stepping stone on humanity's path to the Red Planet, one prominent researcher says.

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Want a Home Cooked Meal? Check the Mail

How often have work and other obligations gotten in the way of making a home-cooked meal? Tired of this all-too-common dilemma, venture capital investor and avid home cook Matt Salzberg teamed up with technical architect Ilia Papas and seasoned chef Matthew Wadiak to solve it. The result was Blue Apron.

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One-Shot Volcanoes Can Be Explosively Dangerous

Volcanoes with multiple eruptions get all the glory, earning top spots on lists of the world's most dangerous and most famous fiery mountains.

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Syria Civil War Scars Seen from Space

A brutal and ongoing civil war in Syria is leaving a heavy trail of destruction in its wake, with damage in the city of Aleppo so significant that scars from the conflict can be seen from space.

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Boston Marathon Bombing: X-Rays and CT Scans Reveal Injuries, Lessons

Months after the Boston Marathon bombing left dozens of victims with severe injuries, doctors are still documenting the lessons learned from the medical response that saved lives and limbs.

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New Nova Star Explosion Wows Stargazers: See It Online Today

A new star explosion in the night sky, called a nova, is captivating stargazers around the world and is now visible to the naked eye, weather and light conditions permitting. Today (Aug. 19), you can catch live views of the nova in an online webcast.

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Owlets Sleep Like Human Babies

Rock-a-bye owlet, in the treetop …

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Arctic Methane: First science flight

Arctic Methane: First science flight

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No Kids: How Infertility Affects Women's Lives

For women, finding out that they are unable to have children means something different depending on their social class, recent research suggests.

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Teen Health Problems Linked with Food Chemicals BPA, Phthalates

The chemicals bisphenol A and phthalates are linked to obesity and insulin resistance in adolescents in two new studies, but the findings cannot yet answer whether the hotly debated hormone-like compounds are causing the negative health effects they are linked with, experts say.

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Shark Swallowed Whole By ... Another Shark

Everyone knows the story: The little fish gets eaten by a big fish, and the big fish gets eaten by an even bigger fish, and so on.

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