Wednesday, May 29, 2013

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Antarctica's Ecosystem Is 33 Million Years Old

The modern ecosystem of icy Antarctica is some 33.6 million years old, new research finds, with a system dating back to the formation of the polar ice caps.

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Thought of Money Makes You Less Social, Study Suggests

WASHINGTON — Subtle reminders of money can affect the way people behave in social settings, causing them to be less engaged with others, suggests new research.

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Googly Eyes Help Rats Watch for Birds

Rats can always see what's above them thanks to their shifty eyes, scientists say.

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Astronauts Launch to Space Station on Express Trip

A Russian rocket carrying a trio of astronauts is on its way to the International Space Station.

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Medieval Readers Had Eclectic Tastes

Nowadays, people bounce effortlessly from reading news to blogs to email. And it turns out the reading habits of people in medieval times weren't so different, a new book suggests.

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International crew blasts off for space station

By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A veteran Russian cosmonaut, a rookie Italian astronaut and an American mother on her second flight blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Tuesday for a six-hour ride to the International Space Station. The Russian Soyuz rocket lifted off at 4:31 p.m. EDT, streaking through clear, pre-dawn skies in Kazakhstan as it headed into orbit, a NASA TV broadcast showed. ...

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Smart Spiders Learn Best Way to Snag Prey?

A spider sitting in its web waiting for a fly to buzz by may seem passive, but new research reveals these arachnids can spend time in their webs strategizing about how best to detect ensnared prey.

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Jedi Mind Trick? Brain Thinks It Inhabits Virtual Body

The brain's perception of the body may seem set in stone, but a new study shows the mind can be tricked into taking an entire virtual body for its own.

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International Astronaut Crew Arrives at Space Station in Record Time

An international trio of astronauts has just become the newest residents of a space station in orbit after a record-setting trip.

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7 Things Workers Lie About

It appears many employees abide by the belief that a little white lie never hurt anyone. From embellishing how often they contact their clients to failing to say anything when other people's ideas just aren't going to work, employees lie or withhold information from their supervisors on a regular basis, according to a variety of workplace experts.

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Fertile Women More Likely to Wear Red

WASHINGTON — That little red dress or pink sweater may be sending more of a message than you think: it could be an overt sign of a woman's fertility, a new study suggests.

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Obesity Bias Common Among Medical Students

Overweight and obese people are often the butt of jokes and the victims of bias, yet one would think they could at least find civility in the doctor's office.

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Plasticized Bodies Come to Singapore Medical School

At a Singapore medical school, doctors-to-be are learning anatomy on human bodies preserved in plastic.

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3D Printing Could Aid Deep-Space Exploration, NASA Chief Says

MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. — Technological advances are bringing down the cost of space research and exploration, with 3D printing poised to provide a transformative leap, NASA chief Charles Bolden says.

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Why Men and Women Lie About Sex

For decades, stereotypes about gender and sex were bolstered by surveys in which men reported far more sexual partners than women. But a 2003 paper in the Journal of Sex Research found that if study participants thought they were hooked up to a lie detector, men and women would report the same number of sexual partners on average.

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Normal of Not? How Coffee Drinking May Brew a Mental Disorder

Coffee-drinkers, beware: Your caffeine habit could induce a temporary mental disorder. The new edition of the mental health manual, the DSM-5, lists caffeine intoxication among the many disorders known to psychiatry.

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Accessory Turns iPhone Into High-Tech Lab

A new biosensing tool puts the power of a high tech laboratory in the pockets of researchers in the field. This iPhone-enabled device could be used in pop-up clinics, waste management sites, refugee camps and anywhere else the mobile testing of biological materials such as blood is necessary.

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Vitamin C and Ibuprofen May Help Stop TB

Two cheap and widely available substances, vitamin C and ibuprofen, show promise for helping to treat tuberculosis in laboratory models, according to two new studies.

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Underground Experiment Asks Why We're Not Antimatter

A new experiment buried deep underground in a South Dakota mine aims to detect rare particle decays that could explain the mystery of antimatter.

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Asteroid Miners Ponder Potential Clients for Space Rock Samples

Commercial asteroid miners may find an initial market among meteorite collectors but the long-haul customers for returning space rock samples to Earth are more likely to be scientists, deep-space entrepreneurs say.

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Private Asteroid Mining Company Unveils New Project Today: How to Watch Live

A private asteroid mining company will announce a new plan to help humanity explore the universe today (May 29) and you can watch it live.

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UN Seeks to Stop Illegal Elephant Poaching

The United Nations Security Council will hold a special meeting today (May 29) to discuss how elephant poaching in Central Africa may be contributing to escalating political instability in the region.

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Fast-Spinning Magnetic Star Has Strange Glitch

One of the strongest magnets in the universe, a magnetar, is unexpectedly capable of a strange new kind of glitch — a mysterious, unexplained drop in speed, researchers say.

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Hellish Venus Dried Out Because It's Closer to Sun

Taking a closer look at the history of Venus, including how the planet transformed into a hellish hot house, may help astronomers predict the evolution of alien worlds,scientists say.

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Mutant Mosquitoes Lose Ability to Sniff Out Humans

Campers, take comfort: Scientists have found a way to genetically alter mosquitoes so they lose their preference for the scent of humans.

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Why Older Adults Are Happier

WASHINGTON — People tend to get happier as they age, and a new study could explain why: Older adults may be better able to deal with negative emotions like anger and anxiety.

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Allergy Meds Can Pose Driving Hazard, FDA Says

Allergy medications may help you get through the spring and summer months, but it's important to know that the drugs could affect your ability to drive, the Food and Drug Administration is reminding consumers today (May 29).

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

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Biotech's bull run starts to look frothy

By Deena Beasley (Reuters) - Biotech stocks are so hot that even some of the bulls are starting to find themselves on edge. An index of biotech drug makers' shares has climbed nearly 50 percent in the past 12 months to all-time highs as the industry starts to launch drugs developed by identifying genes associated with disease - a revolution made possible by decoding the first human genome more than 10 years ago. ...

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Analysis - Biotech's bull run starts to look frothy

By Deena Beasley (Reuters) - Biotech stocks are so hot that even some of the bulls are starting to find themselves on edge. An index of biotech drugmakers' shares has climbed nearly 50 percent in the past 12 months to all-time highs as the industry starts to launch drugs developed by identifying genes associated with disease - a revolution made possible by decoding the first human genome more than 10 years ago. ...

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After Sandy: NYC Beaches Serve as Model for Post-Disaster Rebuilding

After Hurricane Sandy ravaged New York City's coastlines, city officials knew that any effort to rebuild the damaged beaches had to make sustainability a top priority. Rather than simply replacing what was destroyed, they had to make sure new structures on the shores were built to withstand the next Sandy-like storm.

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Exquisite Map of Cosmos Hints at Universe's Birth

A map of the universe based on its oldest light is giving astronomers hope that they may be able to answer some of the deepest questions of the cosmos, including how it got started.

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How 3D Printers Could Reinvent NASA Space Food

A NASA-funded project that aims to transform a 3D printer into a space kitchen could one day reinvent how astronauts eat in the final frontier.

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Wrinkles Make Faces Appear More Sad, Angry

WASHINGTON – Creases and furrows on someone's face may put a wrinkle in our ability to properly judge his or her emotions, a new study suggests.

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Astronaut Crew Launching to Space Station Today: Watch It Live

A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying an American astronaut, an Italian astronaut and a Russian cosmonaut will launch on the second-ever express trip to the International Space Station today (May 28).

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Earliest Case of Child Abuse Discovered in Egyptian Cemetery

A 2- to 3-year-old child from a Romano-Christian-period cemetery in Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, shows evidence of physical child abuse, archaeologists have found. The child, who lived around 2,000 years ago, represents the earliest documented case of child abuse in the archaeological record, and the first case ever found in Egypt, researchers say.

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#sci4hels - What makes one a "killer" (science) journalist of the future?

#sci4hels - What makes one a "killer" (science) journalist of the future?

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Monday, May 27, 2013

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Menopausal 'Foggy Brain' Confirmed in Tests

Memory problems are a common complaint of women going through menopause, and now a new study provides more evidence linking mood and hot flashes to loss of memory abilities during menopause.

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Genes Play Role in Baby's Sleep at Night

Parents who are having difficulty getting their babies to sleep through the night may be somewhat relieved by a new study showing that a large determinant of an infant's nighttime sleep is simply the luck of the genetic draw.

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

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Normal or Not? When Body-Appearance Obsession Becomes a Disorder

A disfiguring bump on the nose that seems to scream for plastic surgery; eyebrows that appear to get thicker and thicker, requiring constant plucking; bodybuilding that never seems to build enough muscle to satisfy — the obsessions that come with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) can take many forms.

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Spin Zone: Physicists Get 1st Look at Strange Quantum Magnetism

Using super-chilled atoms, physicists have for the first time observed a weird phenomenon called quantum magnetism, which describes the behavior of single atoms as they act like tiny bar magnets.

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Mexican Cave Art Offers Peek into Pre-Spanish Past

In the mountains of northeastern Mexico, archaeologists have unearthed thousands of ancient paintings on the walls of caves and ravines from a time before Spanish rule.

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Student-Built Robots to Race in Mock Mars Rover Challenge

SALT LAKE CITY — What does it take to build and command a vehicle capable of exploring Mars? Ninety students from around the world are about to find out.

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Rare 3-Planet Sight Tonight: See Jupiter, Mercury and Venus Together

Three planets will perform a rare celestial dance in the sunset sky tonight (May 26), a cosmic show that stars Jupiter, Venus and Mercury.

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