Sunday, May 19, 2013

Entertainment News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Entertainment News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Taylor Swift leads at Billboard Music Awards
Taylor Swift is red hot.

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Resting brains never rest: computational insights into potential cognitive architectures
Gustavo Deco, Viktor K. Jirsa, Anthony R. McIntosh.
• During the normal waking state, the brain is in a constant state of internal exploration through the formation and dissolution of resting-state functional networks.
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Integration of guidance cues: parallel signaling and crosstalk
Irina Dudanova, Rüdiger Klein. Growing axons are exposed to various guidance cues en route to their targets. Although many guidance molecules have been identified and their effects on axon behavior extensively studied, how axon....
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Development of cortical folding during evolution and ontogeny
Karl Zilles, Nicola Palomero-Gallagher, Katrin Amunts. Cortical folding is a hallmark of many, but not all, mammalian brains. The degree of folding increases with brain size across mammals, but at different scales between orders and families. In this ....
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Neuronal plasticity and antidepressant actions
Eero Castrén, René Hen. Antidepressant treatments enhance plasticity and increase neurogenesis in the adult brain, but it has been unclear how these effects influence mood. We propose that, like environmental enrichment ....
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Gut–brain axis: how the microbiome influences anxiety and depression
Jane A. Foster, Karen-Anne McVey Neufeld. Within the first few days of life, humans are colonized by commensal intestinal microbiota. Here, we review recent findings showing that microbiota are important in normal healthy brain function. ....
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Cognition with few neurons: higher-order learning in insects
Martin Giurfa. Insects possess miniature brains but exhibit a sophisticated behavioral repertoire. Recent studies have reported the existence of unsuspected cognitive capabilities in various insect species that ....
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On fleeting Hong Kong trips, Chinese make frugal fashionable
By Donny Kwok and Lavinia Mo HONG KONG (Reuters) - Armed with empty suitcases and same-day return tickets, an army of mainland Chinese is descending on suburban outlet shopping malls and international fashion chains in Hong Kong, turning cheap into the new chic as luxury falls out of favor. Wealthy Chinese used to stop over in Hong Kong for a few days to pick up a Louis Vuitton bag or a wristwatch for up to 40 percent less than in Beijing or Shanghai. ...

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